Chapter 6: The truth

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The truth was always hard to accept and that came with most things. Both John and Rose were helplessly in love with one another and yet neither of them could express these feelings. It was incredibly frustrating for both parties. 

There was still the ultimate question of what was to become of them?

Would it all work out if they did patch things up? 

Or was it all really a lost cause? 

Rose contemplated this while having breakfast this morning. She sat in her usual spot, by the windowsill looking out onto the docs. She went to check in on her father to find that he had left. She came to the conclusion that he must have left for work. But why was he being so secretive about it? What did it involve? and why had he distanced himself from her since they returned?

It seemed to be all questions and no answers this morning and she hoped that today would be a good day. For she needed it more than ever. Once she had gotten dressed and ready, she went straight to watery lane. As she felt she needed to have a catch up with Polly. 

She knocked on the door and Finn opened it. 'Oh Hello Finn, is Polly in?' asked Rose. 'She's through there and Arthur's hurt' said Finn, opening the door. Rose walked in a little confused but as she walked closer to them, Arthur was sat down holding his face. 'Oh Arthur what happened?' asked Rose, rushing up to him. 

His face was badly bruised and was bleeding from a big cut on his forehead. 

'Some really friendly coppers' replied Arthur. 'Coppers?' asked Rose. 

Arthur winced in pain when she put a wet cloth to his wound. 

'And there supposed to be keeping a low profile' said Polly, shaking her head. 

'I bloody was, he was accusing me of doing something I hadn't done' said Arthur. John was leaning against the door, just watching the scene before him. Him and Rose held eye contact for a moment and she smiled at him. He smiled in return and she was about to speak to him when Tommy came in. 'Arthur what happened?' asked Tommy, getting straight to the point.

'Some coppers jumped me took me to a constable, he was saying that I killed someone' said Arthur, still wincing. Polly and Rose tended to his wound, that was starting to clear up. Tommy suddenly had look as if he knew what was going on. 'Tommy what is it?' asked John, now speaking up. Rose looked at him when he spoke but turned away again. 

'Nothing, but we've got work to do' said Tommy. 

'John, go round all the pubs, take a few men with you. Show them who's still in charge' said Tommy. John nodded and left with a few peaky men following behind him, not a moment later.

Tommy looked at Polly and Arthur and you could tell he wanted to talk to them. 'Perhaps I should go' suggested Rose, not wanting to intrude. Polly was about to say something when Tommy did before she could. 'Actually no Rose. You can stay' said Tommy. Everyone was surprised at the sudden decision. She really felt like part of the family now. And to be truthful, Rose felt amazing. She smiled happily in return and Polly gave her a warm hug. 

'It's about bloody time Tom' grunted Arthur, holding some ice to his head. Tommy gave him a very quick smile but everyone saw it. 

'Now to business..' said Tommy, going into it all. 


A few hours later Rose, Polly and Ada were sat at the dining table, drinking tea and reading. The boys had gone out to make themselves more terrifying than they already appear. The weather was cloudy and there was a distinct cold breeze. Polly seemed relaxed but you could also tell a lot was on her mind. Ada sat quite happily, reading some romance novel. Occasionally smiling at the book in front of her, you could tell she was definitely in love herself and that she was happy. 

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