Chapter 13: Heartache

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Arthur was quiet while they walked to the Garrison.
It was around mid afternoon by now so the streets were still fairly busy. It wasn't until they reached the door that Rose felt a strange feeling in her stomach.
Almost a sudden fear.

Arthur opened the door for her and the two of them walked inside. It was thankfully quiet at this time of day. Just a few workmen by the bar and Harry cleaning some glasses.

"Good afternoon Miss Rose and Mr Shelby" said Harry, a friendly smile on his face.

"Whiskey please Harry and a coffee in the snug" replied Arthur, not messing around.

Rose and Arthur sat comfortably in the snug.

"Look I hate to be the bearer of bad news but now that your official with John I believe you have the right to know" said Arthur, seriously.

Rose waited patiently for him to continue.

"A pretty dark job has come up and he's given it to John. He wants to get rid of the wife of our enemy in London" said Arthur.

Rose listened intently, feeling the energy take a dark turn. At this moment Harry came in quickly with the drinks before leaving again. Not wanting to disturb them.

"But we've heard that she's.. well she's..." mumbled Arthur, struggling to continue.

"She's with child.." guessed Rose, her face grave.

"Yeah.. anyway I thought it would be right for me to tell you before anything happened" said Arthur.

"No, John can't do this.. it's much too far" said Rose, almost standing up.

"I tried reasoning with Tommy myself but if anything it made him more bloody adamant" replied Arthur, downing his shot of whiskey.

"I'll talk to him, don't worry" said Rose, having to wrap her mind around speaking to him again.
The two of them hadn't spoken properly since they arrived back home.

"I shouldn't say this... but you mean everything to him" cried Arthur, pouring himself another glass.

For a moment she couldn't think of how to respond. Her mind trying to float back to how he was with her that beautiful morning. But she tried her best to block it out. Quietly she composed herself.

"Hopefully that means he'll do as I say then" said Rose, drinking her coffee. Praying she'll be able to save John from this terrible fate.

For around five minutes the two of them sat in silence, just drinking their drinks. Arthur occasionally reading the latest newspaper that was placed on the table.

Until as if he was summoned, Tommy opened the doors to the snug. Not surprised to find either of them there.

"Brother, do you mind if I talk to Rose alone?" Asked Tommy, his face serious. Not a lot of emotion on his face.

At the beginning Arthur looked at Rose with a worried eye, but soon submitted and nodded. Leaving the two of them alone.

Rose felt her heart rate increase and her breath hitch up in her throat. She was nervous and even Tommy could tell. He sat down opposite her and smiled a little. Rose raised her eyebrow, confused at the gesture.

He lit up a cigarette and took a deep dreg. Offering her one as well, she accepted. Needing the relief of having one. Carefully he lit her cigarette and then began to speak.

"We haven't spoken for a while" said Tommy, almost speaking like nothing had ever happened between them.

"I suppose I've been busy" replied Rose, feeling herself relax slightly while taking a dreg.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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