chapter forty three

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y/n's point of view:

I woke up to all of the lights in the plane shut down and everyone sleeping. I was glad I actually fell asleep pretty fast, but now I'm back awake. I checked the time to see it's only 1am. I noticed Charles sleeping in a seat right in front of me, I had a strong urge to just get up and go to lay down next to him. The urge actually won. I got up and tried to get to him as silent as possible, he was laying on his back and there was this little space next to him where I could perfectly fit while laying on him with half of my body, I don't think we would mind. I tried to be really gentle when lying next to him to not wake him up. I made myself comfortable next to him, I put one of my hands under his shirt to get more warm.

"Baby?" He whispered silently

"Yeah, it's me" I responded whispering

"Is everything alright?" He asked giving me a little kiss on my forehead

"Yea..." I sighed "just wanted to feel you for a second"

It was really dark inside the airplane, but I could see him smile.

"Sleep, I'm gonna leave in a bit" I gave him a kiss

"It's okay" He started stroking my hair gently, he was a lot sleepy so I felt him actually stop in a few minutes, because he fell asleep. I was tired as well, but I needed to get up before I fall asleep again, so that no one notices us in the morning. But tiredness won.

. . .

I woke up to already lighted up plane and I heard a few people talking. However Charles wasn't next to me, he was actually already with everyone else by the table we played yesterday. The only thing I was wondering about was if he woke up before or after everyone else.

I got up to pick up my phone and check the time.

"Good morning, sleepy head" Isa chuckled

"Morning" I groaned "my back hurts like hell"

"Yeah, it's not very comfortable to sleep here" Carlos nodded

Charles did not say anything the whole time, he looked at me, but with a neutral face. I thought it was fine, since Carlos was in front of him and he would see him if he even smiled. I was glad he obviously left before anyone could see us, even thought he seems against my rule about keeping this a secret, he still did keep it a secret. He could've stayed next to me till Pierre could see us and made him mad, but he's not the bitch I thought he was.

However I took my carry on luggage and took out my tooth brush and hair brush and went straight to the bathroom to make myself look a bit more human. Once I did I went to change my clothes as well. I took out a basic top with shorts because there's gonna be hot in Nice when we arrive. I took my t-shirt off, or Charles' shirt and changed it.

"You're gonna do a striptease here now?" Isa chuckled

"Am I offending you with my bra or?" I looked at her

"I'm just saying, there's bunch of men here" She chuckled again

"Don't really care" I said "two of them have a girlfriend, one hates me and another one has seen me already"

"Yeah, you've got a point"

I just rolled my eyes over Isa's constant allusions and sat back to my seat.

"Does anyone know where we are right know?" I asked

"Still somewhere above the ocean" Carlos answered

I groaned, checking my phone like there should be a notification coming up. But it won't, we're above the ocean with no signal. But what I got was an airdrop from my contact, named Charles Leclerc. I didn't know what it's gonna be but I accepted it. A picture of me sleeping popped up on the screen with a text over it saying "Will you stay in my place today?"

I couldn't help myself but smile about it, the fact that he asked me and the fact he took a picture of me while I was sleeping next to him was fucking adorable.

"Who's texting you?" Isa started asking me with a smile on her face and fucking annoying voice

"Isabela, who could fucking text me when I'm 10,000 km above an ocean" I looked at her with a serious face

"Don't call me that" She laughed "you know I hate it"

"That's why I did it, you starting to be pretty annoying with this suspiciousness, I don't know if you noticed, but after 'you know who'" I pointed at Pierre with my head inconspicuously "I'm not really interested in ruining my life even more"

"Got it" She nodded "sorry"

I tried to find a picture in my gallery that I'd be able to use as a response. I found a perfect one of myself in a bikini, since he yesterday did call my body a 'perfect body' i wanted to make him happy with this one. I wrote a text over it as well saying 'Sure, we will figure out how to run away from all of them at the airport. btw. since when do you keep pictures of me in your gallery?"

I got a response in a few minutes.

Made it today🫶🏻hope y'all are happy and like this one❤️

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Made it today🫶🏻hope y'all are happy and like this one❤️



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