Jay x Tim

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3rd pov

Standing far away enough, but close enough to see, was a tall man like creature with no features to him other than a suit. The Operator, what they call him, was watching as two men were walking upon the trails of the park in which he resided in. Every once in a while, they would turn to a side road searching for something. Perhaps it was the operator himself, but who's to know. The tall trees that reached far above them sway with the wind as the two made their way through the forest, and all that was going through the operator's head was, finally, they're working together.

The operator wouldn't call himself a shipper, no, he would say more of a worshipper. He knows that these two were made for each other, how could they not? So, the operator did something to push them in the right direction, and oh boy was he right. The two men who once only knew each other for a friend's film, now had to rely on each other, and if anything came between them, the operator sure as hell was gonna do something about it.

Nevertheless, the two men made it through the forest, but not without help of the operator. He found it cute that the shorter one, who had been with him since little, would make the sacrifice for the taller so he could make it out alive. Tim would sacrifice himself for Jay despite knowing the danger.

The operator knew that these two were meant to be, but made sure that he didn't kill Tim for if he did, now what was he to watch? Certainly not Alex and Jay, that one was out the window when Alex tried to kill Jay. He briefly notes that Masky, who is Tim, saved Jay, and though his favorite was the victim here, he made sure to do a silent victory dance for the two.

The operator couldn't wait for the two to continue on their adventure, and silently cheer them on in the meantime.

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