Sticking up for you (Leo)

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You've been a Bars and Melody fan for a long time now but even though you and Leo just started dating, you're still doing your fan account. You two live in different countries. One day, he goes to your Instagram (from his phone) and looks at the comments on your posts. As he was looking at the comments, he saw all of the hate comments about your love for him and about the relationship you have with him. He texts you as soon as he reads them saying, "Love why didn't you tell me people were bullying you for loving me and for being my girlfriend?" You "I didn't know how to tell you. It hurts what they say and I didn't want you to know people were being mean because I love you..." Leo "Always let me know if someone is hurting you. you're my girlfriend and I have to take care of you. I Love You!"

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