Chapter Twelve

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Ash couldn't sleep. Twigs snapping, bushes rustling, the governor snoring, every sound had them wide awake. It didn't help that their whole body felt like one big bruise. Finally, they just gave up on sleep and sat up.
    Agent Kyo was sitting by the fire, carefully poking the embers with a stick. He looked over at them, dark circles had formed under his eyes
"Can't sleep?" he asked quietly.
    Ash nodded sheepishly. Kyo gave them a faint smile and gestured for them to sit next to him. Ash shuffled over, gladly warming themself by the fire.
    "When we get off world, we'll get you something to help with the pain until you feel a little better," he said, almost awkwardly.
    Ash shrugged, "it's okay, I've had worse."
    Kyo looked surprised, "really?"
    "Yeah," Ash stared at the flickering flames, their eyes glazed over.
    "Uh- I know you were in the sanctuary program, and this might be too personal," Kyo glanced at them, "but, well- uh-"
    "Why was I there?" Ash finished.
    "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Agent Kyo hurriedly added.
    Ash fidgeted uncomfortably. The air was quiet except for the crackling of the fire and the occasional snore from the governor.
    "My parents are the Daneers."
    Kyo's eyes widened, "the- the duke and duchess?"
    Ash nodded, "yeah."
    Kyo shook his head in awe, "so the kid they reported as missing two years ago?"
    "That was me."
    Kyo rubbed the back of his neck, "and the other kid? The one from ten years ago?"
    Ash flinched, "my... that was my brother," they hadn't thought about him in years.
    "Why did you... I mean, your parents are fairly well off, I don't understand..." Kyo fumbled to find the right words.
    "They hit us. A lot," Ash said quietly.
    Kyo sat silently, waiting for them to continue.
    "Jayce, my older brother, disappeared when I was five," Ash continued, "my parents always said he was kidnapped, but..." they'd never actually said it out loud, "I think they hit him too hard one day and tried to cover up what happened."
    "Grick," Kyo cursed under his breath, "do they know what happened to you?"
    "I hope not," Ash replied, "they never called me Ash, and I changed my last name, so they wouldn't recognize that. And they'll never see me as anyone other than ————."
    "As far as I'm concerned ———— never existed, I've only ever known Cadet Dantier, so if anyone comes... looking for..." he hesitated, "him or her?"
    Ash glared at him, "none of your business."
    Kyo winced, "right, sorry."
    They sat in uncomfortable silence for a while. Kyo quietly poked the logs with a stick, sending small glowing embers floating towards the sky.
    A twig snapped behind them. Kyo whirled around. His gun was in hand, Ash never even saw him draw the weapon.
    Kyo scanned the woods, eyes narrowed. Ash stood in a defensive stance, knowing full well that if it came down to a fight, they didn't stand a chance without Kyo.
    "don't shoot," Nadil stepped out of the shadows with his hands up.
    Ash froze, their heart was pounding. A familiar face should have been a relief, but after Nadil's confession Ash hardly felt at ease. Kyo still looked wary but he lowered his gun, "what were you doing out there."
    Nadil's eyes darted away, his shoulders tensed,"I had to pee," he said.
    Kyo finally holstered his gun, but his eyes hardened, "what were you really doing out there?" The agent's voice was cold and harsh, he didn't ask for the truth, he demanded it.
    "I was trying to find that structure we saw, scout ahead, that's all."
    Kyo raised an eyebrow skeptically, "why?"
    "I figured we could get there faster if we had a path or something," Nadil shrugged.
    Ash glanced at Kyo. They weren't sure if they could believe him, but Kyo seemed convinced enough.
    "Fine," Kyo said, "but don't pull a stunt like this again, understood?"
    Nadil nodded.
"Go to sleep, both of you." before either of them could protest, he added, "that's an order, cadets."
Ash couldn't still couldn't fall asleep. They couldn't stop wondering why Nadil had really been scouting ahead. Or what he was hiding about the ships that attacked them.

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