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Sofia's P.O.V

After I defeated Vor and turned her back in Prisma and got out of my amulet all my friends and family had surronded me with worried looks on their faces. 

Miranda: "Oh Sofia are you ok? I thought I lost you forever." 

I chuckled at my mother being so worried.

Sofia: Mom I'm fine. Please stop worrying.

Roland: We were just scared for you when Amber told us Vor had pulled you into the amulet with her.

Amber: Speaking of Vor, what happened to her?

Sofia: I defeated her and I turned her back into Prisma.

I had explained to everyone and then I turned to the protecters.

Vega: Sofia you have proven that you would do anything for your kingdom, your friends, your family, and creatures of all kinds.

Orion: And the heroic act has proven that you can finally be a fully-fledged protecter.

I gasped while all my friends and family had confused faces.

Vega: Sofia please step into the circle of light.

Miranda: Sofia?

I turned to my mother.

Sofia: I will be fine mom.

I stepped into the light and a bright flash surrounded me and then my pink dress changed in a purple protecter outfit.

Vega: By the power of the protecters we now pronouce you Sofia protecter of the EverRealm.

Everyone around me gasped at my new look and title.

Mirana: I'm sorry, but what does this protecter stuff involve exactly?

Aunt Tilly: Oh it is a very special honor Miranda and occasionally life threatening, I will tell you all about it inside.

Roland: Oh yes we do have a graduation party to get to. Please everyone follow me even you protecters.

Everyone started cheering while I just giggled. Then I started to follow, but then Amber and James pulled me aside. I was confused.

Amber: Sofia you have no idea how scared and worried I was.

I smiled at my sister.

Sofia: I know you were worried and scared but I had to do what I had to do to protect all of you and see I'm fine now, so will you please stop worrying.

James: Sof what you did was awesome!

Amber turned to James looking mad.

Amber: Excuse you! Our sister gets trapped in her amulet with an evil witch and you called that awesome?

James gulped in fear while I laughed.

James: Uhh.. I mean..What you did was awesome Sof, but also very reckless and we were all worried so please never do that again.

Sofia and Hugo a True Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now