The New Suit

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Di bangunan Octavious Industries

Semasa Ridha scan kad id makmalnya,pintu terus dibuka. "Hello,anybody here?" tanya Ridha. "I'm here,Ridha!" panggil Chaeyoung dari sebuah bilik. Di dlm sebuah bilik,Ridha terus melihat Chaeyoung yg sdg bersila di atas sofa sdg melukis sesuatu. "I bought the foods!" kata Chaeyoung. "Thanks & you never told me about your family vacation" kata Ridha. "I guess appa already told you,huh? Mian...I really forget about it" kata Chaeyoung. "It's fine~" kata Ridha tersenyum sebelum meletakkan spidey suitnya di atas sebuah meja. "Before I forgot,here...catch!" kata Chaeyoung sambil mencampak sesuatu membuatkan Ridha menembak websnya utk mengambil alat tersebut. "What this for?" tanya Ridha sambil melihat sebuah pendrive di tangannya. "I already saved all the data about your AI~" kata Chaeyoung. "It's Sharon?" tanya Ridha. "Yeah" kata Chaeyoung. "Sweet! Gomawo Chaengie~" kata Ridha tersenyum. "Gosh...I really want to kiss you right now!~" kata Chaeyoung. "Wh...what?!" tanya Ridha terkejut. "You're still my love interest from high school~" kata Chaeyoung tersenyum sambil menghampiri Ridha. "Chae,I..." kata Ridha membuatkan Chaeyoung meletakkan jarinya di bibir lelaki tersebut. "Let me,okay?" tanya Chaeyoung tersenyum sebelum kissing lips Ridha dgn lembut. Lama-kelamaan,Ridha mula membalas ciuman Chaeyoung tersebut & memeluk erat tubuh gadis kecil dihadapannya tersebut. "I always love you secretly~" kata Chaeyoung tersenyum blushing. "Thanks let's fix my suit~" kata Ridha. "Oh it is!" kata Chaeyoung sambil menunjukkan lakarannya tersebut. "Hmm...white spider,huh?" tanya Ridha. "What do you think? I think it's look cool with classic red & blue color like your classic suit" kata Chaeyoung. "It's gonna be awesome~" kata Ridha tersenyum membuatkan Chaeyoung juga tersenyum. "I love your smile,it make my heart melt~" kata Chaeyoung. "Yah...stop hitting on me!" kata Ridha membuatkan Chaeyoung giggling. "It's true tho...Mina was lucky to had you~" kata Chaeyoung. "And you can webbed me up & take me as long as you want~" bisik Chaeyoung ditelinga Ridha membuatkan rakannya terkejut. "Hehe...let's continue our project,Spider-Man~" kata Chaeyoung tersenyum. "Yeah...right" kata Ridha sebelum memakai cermin mata yg diberikan oleh Tony Stark kpdanya dahulu. Walaupun tanpa suara AI,cermin mata tersebut masih lagi berfungsi. Semasa mereka berdua sdg mencipta suit spidey yg baru,secara tiba-tiba Otto masuk ke dlm bilik tersebut. "Oh,you guys!" kata Otto. "Doc!" kata Chaeyoung terkejut. "Hey,Doc! Whatcha got there?" tanya Ridha sambil menghalang pandangan Otto dari suitnya tersebut. "Chinese! I know you guys would've be here so I..." kata Otto sambil matanya terpandang suit di atas meja tersebut. "What are you working for?" tanya Otto. "Just a side project" kata Ridha sambil memberikan laluan utk Otto melihat suitnya dgn lebih jelas. "He didn't know!" bisik Chaeyoung. "It's fine" kata Ridha. "Of's you!" kata Otto sambil melihat Ridha. "And you know about it Chaeyoung,he really trust you" kata Otto. "I mean...yeah" kata Chaeyoung. "I...I don't know what you talking about" kata Ridha sambil menanggalkan cermin matanya. "It's so obvious,Parker! Come on" kata Otto. "Let me explain!" kata Ridha. "I'd wish you told me sooner" kata Otto. "I wanted to but..." kata Ridha. "He never had a right time to told you" kata Chaeyoung. "Right and I'm scared if my family in danger..." kata Ridha. "Hmm,yes...I guess if you designed his equipment means you bond to become the target too" kata Otto. "Yeah...I mean...yeah!" kata Ridha. "Don't worry,your secret was safe with me!" kata Otto sambil menepuk bahu Ridha. "I'll leave that work for you guys~" kata Otto sebelum keluar dari bilik tersebut & menutup pintu. "You okay with that?" tanya Chaeyoung. "Yeah...I think" kata Ridha. "Let's continue" kata Chaeyoung membuatkan Ridha mengangguk.

Pada keesokan paginya

Kelihatan Ridha telah terjaga dari tidurnya di atas sofa. Semasa Ridha melihat sehelai sticky note yg terlekat di atas dahinya,"'Check your email - Otto'" kata Ridha semasa membaca kertas tersebut. Semasa melihat telefonnya,dia telah mendapat mesej dari Chaeyoung.

 Semasa melihat telefonnya,dia telah mendapat mesej dari Chaeyoung

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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