Murder Family ( Part 2 )

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As I was waking up the next morning, but I couldn't move with Millie bea and honey laying down on me, when they slowly woken up

Millie / Bea / Honey : good morning Y/N

When they all kissed both sides of your cheeks each, as you were blushing

Y/N ( Blushing ) : heh, morning

When the girls got off the bed as you were sitting on the edge

Millie : we'll be in the showers

Y/N : okay

Honey / Bea : you don't mind waiting outside

Y/N : I can wait

When the girls got in the bathroom first as you were looking out the window and saw heaven was gorgeous as always, and all the angels were waking up

When you waited an hour before the girls were ready and all dressed for work

Millie : okay we're done

Honey / Bea : showers all your Y/N

Y/N : thank you girls

When you went to the bathroom and closed the door behind you

When you went to the bathroom and closed the door behind you

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Y/N : ( deep breath ), another beautiful morning

1 Hour later

When you was finished showering and drying yourself off, as you were putting on your uniform

Y/N : alright then

When you exit the bathroom as the girls were already downstairs, after you all had breakfast and was ready near the door

Y/N : ready like always

Millie : yep

Bea : always have been

Honey : I know

Y/N : ( chuckle )

When you opened the door for the girls as you closed the door behind them, when the four spread their angel wings and began flying to their workplace

Moxxie POV

As I was already at the workplace with blitzø while drinking my morning coffee and looking at the beautiful sunlight and angels flying

Moxxie : ( deep breath ), another beautiful morning

Loona : like always

When he was still drinking his coffee mug while looking at today's paper

Moxxie : wow, seems like less innocent souls are not coming to heaven that often, seems like we'll have to help them to really see the truth about living

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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