Chapter 1

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As the sun gently kissed the horizon, y/n slowly opened her eyes, her mind still lingering in the depths of a beautiful dream. "Oh, what a wonderful dream it was," she whispered to herself, a smile tugging at her lips.

In her dream, she had found herself wandering through the vibrant streets of Seoul, the city she had grown to love through the screen. The buildings reached for the sky, and the bustling sounds of the city filled her ears. She had imagined herself strolling through the picturesque parks, admiring the cherry blossoms in full bloom, just like the scenes from her beloved K-dramas.

In her dream, y/n had even encountered Lee Min Ho himself, who had flashed her his charming smile and greeted her warmly. "Annyeonghaseyo," he had said, his voice as velvety as she had imagined. "Welcome to Seoul."

"Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Min Ho-ssi," she had replied, her heart fluttering with excitement and disbelief.

As the morning light bathed her room, Aromi couldn't shake off the euphoria of her dream. "I wish that dream were real," she sighed, stretching her arms as she got out of bed.

Determined to make her dream a reality, y/n went about her day with renewed vigor. She delved into her daily routine with a sense of purpose, even amidst the mundane tasks of the village. While fetching water from the kitchen, she couldn't help but imagine herself standing amidst the modern skyscrapers of Seoul, carrying on with the rhythm of life in the bustling city.

Later that day, as she sat with her family for lunch, y/n couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "I've made up my mind," she announced, her eyes shining with determination.

Her family looked at her curiously, waiting for her to continue.

"I'm going to pursue my dreams," she said, her voice unwavering. "I want to go to South Korea, study, and live there."

Her parents exchanged glances, and her mother spoke first, her concern evident in her eyes. "But beta, it's so far away, and we'll miss you."

y/n took her mother's hand in hers. "I know, Maa" she replied, "but I've always dreamt of this. I want to explore the world, experience new things, and follow my passion."

Her father chimed in, his voice filled with love and support. "If this is truly what your heart desires, we will stand by your side," he said, "but promise us that you will work hard and never give up."

y/n smiled, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her parents' understanding and encouragement. "I promise, Maa, Deuta" she said, "I will work hard and make you proud."

From that moment on, y/n dedicated herself to turning her dream into reality. She researched the opportunities available to her, exploring scholarship programs and language courses that could help her on her journey.

Late into the night, as the stars adorned the sky, she sat by her window, studying Korean phrases and watching K-dramas for language practice. "Saranghae," she whispered, her heart fluttering at the thought of speaking the words in the land they originated from.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Even amidst the challenges of her village school's limited resources and irregular classes, she studied relentlessly, determined to excel in her academics.

When the time came for her 12th-grade board exams, y/n gave it her all, pouring her heart into every question. As the results were declared, her heart sank a little when she realized that she didn't score as well as she had hoped.

Disheartened, she thought her dreams might have been shattered, but she refused to give up. "There are other ways," she told herself, clutching onto hope like a lifeline.

In the midst of her uncertainty, a glimmer of hope shone through. "The college entrance results are out," a friend informed her, "and you've been selected for your dream university right here in your own place."

y/n's eyes widened in surprise and delight. It was as if the universe was giving her a sign, telling her that she had not reached a dead-end, but instead, a new beginning.

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