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With a heart full of gratitude and excitement, y/n stepped onto the welcoming campus of Tezpur University. The aroma of freshly bloomed flowers greeted her, and she felt an overwhelming sense of belonging. As she walked towards the Integrated MA English department, she felt the glimpse of the academic journey that awaited her.

**y/n:** (excitedly) "I can't believe I'm finally here! This is a dream come true."

**Hostel Roommate:** (smiling) "I know, right? We're going to have so much fun together!"

Joining Hostel Kapili, Aromi was introduced to a diverse group of students, each with their unique backgrounds and interests. most of them shared one common thread - their interest in k-pop and Korean culture.

**y/n:** (enthusiastically) "I am so glad. Just by bringing the topic of kpop the awkwardness is gone and we became friends just in a day."

**New Friend:** (laughing) "It's like we were destined to meet here, all brought together by our shared love as k-pop fans."

Just like that with her friends, studies and in the peaceful campus of Tezpur University a month has passed quickly.
One day, y/n had off time as there was no class and her friends was having other classes. She was bored so she decided to go to library.
She took a book and came to find a seat. She sat next to the window. A boy came with a notebook, probably to take notes, and set beside her as other places were already occupied.
**Boy:** (to himself) where's my pen! Oh no. I forgot to bring it. What to do now!"
He looked up and asked y/n:
"Excuse me, do you have a pen I could borrow?"

**y/n:** "No, but wait here. I'll get you one."

She went outside to where everyone kept their bags and took a pen from her bag. When she returned, she saw he was looking at the book she had just brought to read—a novel, of course! When she arrived and gave him the pen, he smiled.

**Boy:** "Oh, sorry! I took a glance at your book. Chetan Bhagat. I like his books too."

**y/n:** "I have a collection of his books. I left them at the hostel.  I was bored in the off time, so came to the library for some peace."

**Boy:** "Thats great. And thanks for the pen. I'll start taking notes."
After half an hour was passed, y/n stood up to leave.

**Boy:** "Uh, the pen?"

**y/n:** "No worries, just keep it."

She placed the book back on the shelf and headed out of the library. As she was about to leave, the boy called out from behind.

**Boy:** "Are you going to the hostel?"

**y/n:** "Yeah."

**Boy:** "Would you mind if we walked together?"

**y/n:** "Of course not. It's not my personal road, after all. Haha."

**Boy:** "What's your name?"

**y/n:** "I'm y/n. And you?"

**Boy:** "I'm Aman."

**y/n:** "Nice meeting you, Aman."

**Aman:** "Likewise. Come to the library more often. You can always find me here."

**y/n:** "Let's see."

**Aman:** "Aren't you going to the hostel?"

**y/n:** "Actually, I'm hungry."

**Aman:** "Can I join you?"

**y/n:** "Sure."

They sat at a café and ordered food. Aman started the conversation.

**Aman:** "Do you often read Chetan Bhagat's books?"

**y/n:** "Not really! It always depends on my mood, but I enjoy reading his books. He was the author of the first English novel I ever read."

**Aman:** "Haha, interesting!"

**y/n:**Have you read any of his books?"

**Aman:** "Yes, I liked 'The Girl in Room 105' specially and yeah the "Half Girlfriend", the story from the book is better."

**y/n:** "Are you serious? 'The Girl in Room 105' is my favorite, and I agree, 'Half Girlfriend' was better as a novel than the Bollywood adaptation."

**Aman:** "Absolutely, the original story is always better. That's why I love reading books. Sometimes things we don't like become likable when we find the original version."

**y/n:** "It looks like we share similar interests."

**Aman:** "We might have even more in common. Who knows."

Suddenly, his phone rang with the tune "Baarishein barashti hai, pagal jaise thirakti hai..." Her eyes widened at his ringtone.

When he ended the call, she exclaimed, "No way... Anuv Jain!"

**Aman:** (smiling) "Don't tell me you like Anuv Jain too. It'll seem like we're just making things up to impress each other now."

**y/n:** "I never thought we'd share similar tastes in music too."

After their first meeting, y/n and Aman began to meet regularly at the library. They often sat together, sharing their favorite books and discussing various authors. Their conversations ranged from literature to music, and soon they found themselves taking walks around the campus, enjoying the serene environment of Tezpur University.

Aman and y/n's bond grew stronger with each passing day. They shared countless cups of coffee, laughed over silly jokes, and even studied together for their exams. They enjoyed the peaceful surroundings of the campus, often sitting at their campus "niribili" and talking for hours.

Two months into their friendship, Aman gathered the courage to confess his feelings.

**Aman:** "y/n, there's something I need to tell you. I've really enjoyed spending time with you, and I think I've fallen for you."

y/n felt her heart flutter. She had also grown fond of Aman and appreciated his presence in her life.

**y/n:** "Aman, I've grown to like you too."

With this mutual confession, their relationship blossomed. They spent even more time together, reading side by side in the library, sometimes lost in their own worlds but always finding comfort in each other's presence.

On weekends, they often took breaks from their studies to go out and explore the nearby town. They visited local cafés, enjoyed Assamese cuisine, and even took trips to nearby tourist spots. These outings became their way of unwinding and making memories.

Aman would surprise y/n with small gestures—bringing her favorite snacks, writing her notes, and even singing her favorite Anuv Jain songs. In return, y/n would cook for him, help him with his studies, and be his biggest cheerleader.

Despite the challenges of their academic workload, they always found time for each other. Their love remained strong, even as they navigated through the ups and downs of university life. Aman and y/n supported each other through stressful exam periods and celebrated each other's successes, no matter how small.

Two years passed, and their love still burned bright. They had grown together, becoming each other's confidants and best friends. They knew each other's dreams and fears and were always there to provide a shoulder to lean on.

**Aman:** "I can't believe it's been two years, y/n. It feels like just yesterday we met in the library."

**y/n:** "Time flies when you're with someone special. I'm so grateful for every moment we've shared."

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