And the Next Time I Drift Off To Sleep, I Hope You Will Be the Next Thing I See.

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*** This story was inspired by the song "AWOL" by the band Broadway.  If you don't know them, look them up! :D Anyway, I tried to spin the lyrics into a story which I hope you will like.  There are also lyrics and what not from other songs so yeah! :D However, I cannot take all the credit for this story; the idea for this came from my dear friend xoxForeverLovexox! :D Enjoy. :) ***

He strummed his guitar effortlessly as I watched his every movement.  His black hair swept across his eyes as he looked up from his guitar and into my eyes and smiled.  I couldn’t help but smile back, and I felt my blood rush to my cheeks.  My stomach fluttered with butterflies.  It was funny that even after being together for two whole years, I still got nervous around him.

And I was in love with him, Garrett Brooksman.  And he was in love with me, Emery Dawning.  Future Mrs. Brooksman…

“…Would it be okay, would it be okay if I took your breath away? And I’m wasting away, away from you.  And I’m wasting away, away from you.  What have I gotten into this time around?  I know that I had sworn I’d never trust anyone again but I didn’t have to, you had me at hello…”

I sighed.  Not a depressing sigh, an “Oh how I love you” sigh.  This was my song, our song.  And he sang it to me every one month anniversary.  Today marks twenty-six months, two years and two months.  And I can never get enough of this song, of him singing this song.  Not even after hearing in twenty-six times.

He sang the last line of the song with an unexpected big finish.  I applauded him with a childish grin.

“Please, hold the applause,” he said, smiling.

“You’re too cute,” I smiled back at him.

He laughed, but I could sense hesitation.  “I was thinking…I don’t want that to be one of the last times I can sing that song to you.  We leave for college in just three months. In different places.   Different states,” he frowned at this.

“I know. It’s not fair.  If it was up to me, we’d be going to the same college.  But it’s not.  Your parents want you to go to Florida; mine want me to go to North Carolina.  Our parents are strict…there’s no saying no to them.”

“Do you have any idea how far away those places are? I never put much thought into a long-distance relationship with you.  I always thought you’d never be more than a street away,” he looked at something off in the distance.

I sighed.  “You don’t think we could last long-distance…?”

He could see that I was a little hurt by this, so he slowly pulled my chin up to look me in the eyes.  “I’m not doubting us.  We’ve been through so much; we’re unstoppable.  It’s just…everyone thinks it will work out going into these kind of relationships…but then sooner or later, they realize it’s not going to work…” his voice cracked.

“Garrett…what we have isn’t just some fling.  This is the real deal.  We can last through anything.  Forever! But I don’t want to think about this anymore.  Let’s live in the moment; it’s our anniversary!” I could tell that I had cheered him up again.

“You’re right.  A day in celebration of twenty-six whole months with the girl of my dreams.  How did I get so lucky?” he smiled, dazzling me.

“It’s not luck…it’s destiny.” I replied.


We swung back and forth on his porch swing, talking about anything that came to our minds.  He made sure I was never more than an inch away from him, and I was satisfied to be in the one place I knew I truly belonged: his arms.  I don’t know where I’m going to end up in my life, but this is where I want to be.

Garrett wasn’t one of those typical sex-hungry guys that were swarming around our school; just another reason to love him.  That's not what I wanted, and it wasn't what he wanted either.  If I wanted that, I'd be with one of the jerks on the football team, and if he wanted that, he'd be with one of the cheerleader sluts.  But I fell for the sweet, innocent guy with a band, and he fell for the girl who well, didn't really have anything special about her.  He was a cuddler, a hugger, a kisser, a hand-holder, a shoulder to cry on.  He’s so down to Earth, so humble.  What more could I ask for?

After a while, it was dark outside, and I found myself dozing off a little as he sang me a lullaby.  Before I knew it, I was out.

“Emery…Emery, wake up…” his voice repeatedly whispered.  I decided I would pretend to be in a deep sleep and not wake up just so that he would have to carry me home.  Clever, ain’t I?

He gave up after a few minutes as I felt my body being lifted up off the swing, and he cradled me close to his chest.

“Emery, you aren’t really asleep, are you?” he asked, catching onto my plan.  Dang, he was good.

“Nope.” I smiled.

“I figured.  Next time, you’re carrying me home,” he joked.

“In your dreams!”

We were silent for a few minutes until he spoke again.  “And here we are, the Dawning residence.  Home of the one and only Emery Dawning.”  He gently set me down on my feet.

I smiled.  “Well, goodnight, Mr. Brooksman.  Thank you for yet another wonderful evening.”

“My pleasure.  Goodnight, Miss Dawning.  I’ll see you in my dreams,” his sky blue eyes twinkled.

He kissed my forehead softly before slowly walking back to his house.  When he reached the edge of the sidewalk, he turned and said, “Oh, and one more thing…I love you.”

“I love you too. More than you will ever know!” I could see him pause and smile before continuing on his way home.  I watched him walk away until I couldn’t see him anymore.  I let myself into the house and quietly tiptoed up to my room.  Almost immediately after sliding under the covers, I drifted off into a dream world…

And the Next Time I Drift Off To Sleep, I Hope You Will Be the Next Thing I See.Where stories live. Discover now