☆Merch booth☆

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I tip the bus driver as I walk off the bus and stand in front of the venue.
The venue. The venue Where I'm going to see AC/DC.
I bounce up and down on my heels while I walk to the line, I have my headphones in as I walk, and I finally get let in after I show my ticket.

I b-line it to the merch booth. When I get there, i see the most handsome guy he's so cute. I look at him, his long black hair flowing down his back, his lip rings that compliment his adorable smile perfectly. I look at his outfit, his spiked jacket, and torn up jeans paired with combat boots.
I get up to where I get to finally pick out my merch, and I reach for a shirt, and my hand touches someone's who has a studded braclet and black nail polish.

"Im sorry! Go ahead. I'll find a different one." I hear a deep, raspy voice say
"No, it's okay!"
I say back and look up at the mystery person.
Holy shit. It's him! I think in my mind, it's the guy with long black hair.
"I insist!" I say, pushing the shirt towards him, smiling.
"Ah, thank you! You're too kind." He says, taking the shirt
"Whats your name?"
I ask, picking out a different shirt
He looks at me. "Quinn." He says paying for his shirt."What's yours?" He asks
"Mara." I say paying for mine
"That's a pretty name. It's unique." The man I now know as Quinn says smiling
"Thank you, yours is pretty cool too! Wanna stand with me on the floor?"
I ask, stuffing my shirt in my bag
"Sure! I'd love to."
Quinn says, smiling.

We walk to the floor area, we talk about things we like, and find out we have a lot in common. We get to the floor area and shove our way towards the front. Well, I shove Quinn, which mainly just followed.
We make it to a good spot and wait for the show to start.
The lights dim, and the show starts.

After the show, I help Quinn shove through the crowd again, and we walk out together.
"So uhm, can I have your number? We could stay in contact. You're really cool, Mara."  Quinn says, rubbing the back of his neck
"Sure, I'd love to keep in contact, Quinn." I smile and write my number on his arm, and he writes his on mine.
"T-thanks." Quinn stutters
"Of course, I'll call you later!" I say as I walk to my bus stop, grinning ear to ear.

I can't believe that I got his number.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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