Part 1

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Here's the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it!


One day in a town in New York, one girl named Alex was walking home, it was dark and gloomy. She saw the bright lights from the other part of the town that she wished she lived in.

"BURR. It's way too cold for me to be walking out here." Alex said. She walked home every Friday which snowed every single Friday.

"I wish my mom didn't have to work overtime." Alex started walking through an alley, just a block away from her house. It was raining really hard. You can hear the thunder and see the lightning.

"Give me all your money!" A man ran behind her putting a knife to her throat. Without any effort Alex twisted the man's arm and kicked the man. He fell roughly to the ground.

Alex ran as fast as she could all the way home. When she got there she slammed her front door shut. She was so happy she had been taking karate after school on Tuesdays.

She turned around to see her Great Dane, Sammy jump on her.

"Hi boy! Did you miss me?" He wagged his tail.

As she started walking into her house she saw that everything was gone. Her TV, her computer, the fridge, EVERYTHING. She ran to where her couch used to be.

Alex saw a note on the ground and it said, "If you don't give us what we ask of you, you will never see your mom again." Alex fainted dramatically. She knew this couldn't be real, she just knew it!

She woke up to the sun shining and the birds chirping. "See Alex, it was all just a dream." Alex said to herself. When she opened her eyes all the way she found her self in the middle of her room with a blanket on her.

She stood up and turned around. It was true everything was gone.

I hope you guys likes the first chapter!(:

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