Fallen soldier

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I hope you've read the description, you know how AU's like this have a lot of warnings since it contains some really messed up stuff, which by the way, this book is purely fiction.
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There was power, there was grief, then there was hope. The people of the land have once lost their nation, and they were able to easily take it back on their hands. But now, they lost something, someone who bore importance and made history to the country, they have lost a young man who was loved, a soldier who was honest, who was lively, who earned the nations independence, and who was a true treasure of the nation, the only difference is that...he couldn't be brought back.

His laughter echoed in their hearts and minds, upon the wars he fought along with the people of his pride, he stood there with no intention of giving up, he sacrificed-gave his all, he was the honor of the country, he was the sun of the nation, and a brother to all. But unfortunately, he ended it with shame and guilt, ended it with unsatisfied eager for revenge, without closure of his wanting curiosity on why they turned their backs on him. Exiled by his own best friend, who he treated as a brother, treated with much respect, exiled him...and left him in a depressing place which he cannot leave, and being guarded by the one who he sees as the source of every conflict the nation has endured.

He cried. He cried, he cried, he cried-from the thought of no one caring for him, it ached his chest. He was confused, he was slowly spiraling into madness, the thing that still left him sane was the compass his dead brother gave him as a gift, a dear present. It pointed to the direction where his best friend is, but it was destroyed by the one who he called a friend, the only friend in this godsforsaken place where he is held in exile.

A tear gently fell near his chin, he stared at the now broken compass in front of him, the only thing that left him hoping for the best of the nation-for everyone, now on his knees, praying this was all a nightmare, waiting for himself to be woken from slumber. The green man stared at the boy in disgust, seeing him all destroyed and worthless, he couldn't bear to even watch this boy cry on his feet. Tommy carefully took the pieces that were separated from the compasses body, as if it would turn into ashes easily. He slowly took the hand of the compass and held all the parts on his palms with care.

"Tubbo..." He muttered his name, the one who he fought with every war and was always by his side, the current president of the beloved country. "Tommy, this is your fault" Dream said crouching to his level, his voice was cold and nonchalant, he stared at Tommy's eyes grabbing his shirt by his collar, intimidating the young boy. "Please...Dream, you've destroyed enough, you can't do this." Tommy's voice cracked, trying not to cry on his spot. It's true, Dream already has destroyed all the stuff left for Tommy to own as prize possessions, but he didn't want to stop, he loved the blonde boy's pathetic face begging to stop causing destruction upon his beloved items.

Tommy's eyes glanced at the place he built with his dead brother's spirit, it was now a crater with nothing but ashes from the burned down logs. Tommy felt like he couldn't breathe, a sound was uttered but not a single word was formed, tears then streamed from his eyes intensely. Tommy hung his head low from shock, Dream frowned not seeing the expression he wanted from Tommy's face, he wanted him screaming and start punching the ground, he wanted his rage. But, Tommy couldn't act that out anymore, he wanted to end it, he wanted to end his miserable life, escaping from this bastard that stood before him.

"I'm leaving" Dream said, the sky turned grey, it's clouds looking quite heavy, and after a second it started to rain. Tommy still knelt down as his clothes are now soaking wet, the dirt below him turned muddy whilst it stained his pants, he didn't know what to do, so he just continued to kneel down as the rain poured on his golden hair which was covering most of his face.

Dream left after destroying the last thing that kept Tommy in touch to his home, an echo of a glass shattering was heard in the distance, the nether portal has stopped glowing along with its purple particles.

Tommy's heart ached from the sound, he then spiraled into anger.

The kept rage boiled into his heart and veins, he grasped the grass beneath him and shouted "Why! Why can't this bastard just leave us be!" He screamed his lungs out to the point his voice almost disappeared.

He threw the mud from where Dream left, glaring in that direction whilst screaming.

Silence fell over him

A flush of guilt swallowed his thoughts, Tommy suddenly turned quiet as his mind was now filled with questionable reasons

"I can't keep blaming Dream now can I..." Tommy felt ashamed, he thought about his mistakes and what he had done to put him-his friends, into this situation. He aggressively wiped off the tears, thinking he doesn't deserve to cry from what he did.

"This is just..." He couldn't face his friends, knowing he placed them in his situation as well, his breath froze from the sudden windy feeling "My brother died in our fathers arms, the nation we built together-the disc I sacrificed for its independence, all destroyed, and Tubbo..." He clenched his fist on the ground "Tubbo exiled me..."

He stared at the sky, and he felt this unfamiliar cold that covered him whole like a blanket, it was bittersweet. He tried to stop his cries, his eyes couldn't take another flood of tears, he couldn't take on the painful feeling of realization, so he took out blocks of dirt and stacked it on his spot.

From the top of the dirt tower, he viewed the place noticing every part of it was ugly, even though it wasn't truly his home-the place had memories, Logstedshire had memories. The sad part was that; it only felt a bit like his real home because he built it with his brother, just like how they made L'manberg.

"I don't understand...why can't I fully understand" Tommy muttered under his cold breath, he sat on top of the dirt tower ready to end what was given to him as his first gift.

"Maybe, just maybe in another life, everything would be alright" Tommy chuckled, he recalled every memory he loved one last time, the sound of his friends laughter, the music of the discs he cherished, and the peaceful moments every sunrise by the bench with his best friend that always started their days.

He wanted to revisit those memories, but it was impossible, Gods it was impossible. And so he stood up on the tower of dirt, felt the breeze that touched his face ever so gently, he glanced at the ground thinking "would it hurt...?" He whispered to himself.

And so after the wars and conflicts, after the smiles of the people and tears between battles, Tommy's mind numb from his choice and to his demise...he let his body slowly fall into limbo.


Chapter 2 will be published next week

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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