Baby boy

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3 weeks later your laying in bed watching tv with Jaden on one side of you and Madi on the other.
You: babe can I have some water.
Jaden: yeah here you go
Madi: mama baby
You: yeah that is the baby in my belly
She kisses your belly and you feel the baby kicking you. You grab Jaden hand and put it on your belly and he smiles.
You: so what should his name be.
Jaden: idk I was thinking about Jaden after me but now I think something different.
You: I like Jaden cause he could be a jr
Madi: bug
You: you can't call your brother bug silly.
She started laughing so Jaden grabbed her and started to tickle her.
You: how about Aire
Jaden: like Kylie Jenners son. No
You: let's just go with Jaden Isaiah Hossler jr
Jaden: ok love
he kisses you. You check the time and it says 12:30am so you lay down and fall asleep. You get woke up around 2:30am to the bed being wet and you feeling yuck
You: Jaden wake up now.
Jaden: what happened
You: my water broke I'm in labor.
Jaden: oh my
he gets up and grabs the hospital bag and he starts to get dressed into some clothes.
You: my contact-ions are 4 minutes apart
Jaden: ok let me help you up. He helped you out of bed and hands you some pajama pants and you put them on.
He calls for Charli cause she is sleeping over.
Charli: hey what happened
You: my water broke so can you please watch Madi cause we're leaving like right now.
Charli: ok
Jaden helps you to the car and he calls the doctor and explains everything. She says there is a room ready for you and that she is on her way. You guys drive to the hospital and check your name then get into the room like 12 minutes later. You get all the wires connected to you then the nurse comes in to ask some questions to fill out the wall chart. She also starts to time your contractions witch are 2 minutes apart. So the doctor comes in and checks you and your 10 centimeters so she said you could start pushing in 10 minutes.

After pushing for not even 20 minutes he's out and crying. You have him laying on you and then a couple minutes later the nurse takes him to clean him and put a blanket on him. 
Jaden: he's so cute love
You: ik he looks like you and he has your name.
You and Jaden just sit in the hospital room with baby Jaden and lean as the day goes. It now like 5am so the nurse takes baby Jaden to the nursery to get some tests done and so you and Jaden can get some rest.


Cap: he's here and beautiful

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Cap: he's here and beautiful. @jxdn
❤️: 993,582
@jxdn: so proud of you babe
^ love you lots ❤️
@swayhouse: can't wait to meet him
^ you will love him 🩵
@hypehouse: omg congratulation
^ thx guys love y'all
@k0ver: can't wait to meet him.
^ you will love him 🩵
@fan: what's the name
^ on jadens instagram story.

5 hours later:
Jaden left to go get Madi and take a shower so you sat in the hospital bed with baby J watching tv and feeding him. Till 20 minutes later Madi and Jaden walk into the room.
Madi: bug bug
You: Madi this is your brother Jaden.
Madi: oh ok baby in belly.
Jaden: yeah Madi he was in mama's belly.
Jaden puts her next to you and she kisses baby J on his cheek. You just smile and jaden laughs cause she keeps calling him bug. You guys sit and watch some movies as bug (Jaden jr) sleeps
You: I think she calls him bug because your Jaden to her so it's ok if she calls him bug right.
Jaden: yeah plus bug is a cute little name.

4 days later:

You finally brought Jaden jr home from the hospital last night and you are making dinner. The front door opens.
Jaden: mamas I'm home
Madi: I'm home too
You: ok I think bug missed you guys and got tired of me.
Jaden: why do you say that love ( kiss you)
You: he ate then want back to sleep and every time I hold him he cries and when I put him in the rolling bassinet he's fine
Jaden: maybe he just doesn't want or like to be held.
You: that is a possibility. I have baked chicken and rice in the oven and stove for dinner.
Madi: my favorite mama
You: I know.
Jaden: I'm going to go shower and then I'll be back down.
You: ok

You set the dinner table and put Madi in her seat then plate the food and set it on the table. You grab bug from his rolling bassinet and hold him till Jaden comes back downstairs. It took only about 10 minutes. When he comes and sits he takes bug and holds him and eats.
Jaden: so Madi what did you do today
Madi: school and learned how to spell
You: oh what word.
Madi: house
Jaden: can you spell it for mama and me.
Madi: H O U S  E  house
You: good job baby girl

After eating dinner you washed the dishes and cleaned the downstairs. You take bug upstairs to your room Change his diaper and gave him milk. Jaden runs Madi's bath and then he takes bug so you can help Madi get ready for bed.
You: ok Madi brush your teeth and I'll do your hair then we can read a book and your going to sleep in your bedroom.
Madi: no your bed please.
You: baby girl bug sleeps with me right now but when he's older he will sleep in his own room.
Madi: ok fine.
Everyone is asleep till bug wakes up and gets fed then goes back to sleep.

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