Chapter 3

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One day, y/n’s friend approached her with a concerned look.

**Friend:** "Hey, y/n, where have you been all day? I haven't seen you around."

**y/n:** "I’ve been at the hostel all day, just studying."

**Friend:** (hesitantly) "I saw Aman at the mall today... with a girl."

**y/n:** "Oh, that must have been his cousin. He mentioned she was visiting."

**Friend:** (nervously) "We thought so too, but when we were looking at clothes, he was helping her pick out outfits. They seemed really close, holding hands and..."

**y/n:** (alarmed) "And what?"

**Friend:** "We saw them kissing outside the mall when we were about to leave."

y/n felt her heart sink. She immediately called Aman and asked to meet him on campus at 5 pm.

When they met, the tension was palpable.

**y/n:** "Do you have anything to explain to me?"

**Aman:** (smiling) "Explain what, sweetheart?" He tried to hold her hand, but she stepped back.

**y/n:** "How can you do this to me, Aman? In these two years, have I ever treated you badly?"

**Aman:** "What do you mean? What's going on, y/n? Why are you talking like this today?"

**y/n:** "Ask yourself if you did something wrong to me."

**Aman:** "Explain it."

**y/n:** "What more is there to explain, Aman? Don’t you agree that you went shopping with a girl?"

**Aman:** "That was my cousin, y/n. I've told you."

**y/n:** "I thought so too. But tell me, does someone kiss a cousin? Outside a mall?"

**Aman:** (avoiding eye contact) "I'm sorry, y/n. It just happened. I didn’t mean to hurt you."

**y/n:** (tears streaming down her face) "How could you do this? I trusted you!"

**Aman:** "y/n, listen to me... listen to my explanation."

**y/n:** "I don’t have the courage or energy to listen to anything more, Aman. It's already a heavy blow for me. I thought you loved me. Or maybe it was just my imagination."

**Aman:** "No, y/n, I love you. I do love you."

**y/n:** "No, Aman. I’ve had enough of your lies. Now, everything I felt so far seems like a lie to me. Let's end whatever we had here."

**Aman:** "No, y/n, I can't. You can't end things like this."

**y/n:** "You’ve already broken my trust, Aman. I’ll never interfere between you and whoever you want to be with. Let me go."

As y/n walked away, memories of their two years together flooded her mind. Their relationship had started off like a dream. They met during a literature seminar and quickly bonded over their shared love for books.


**Aman:** (smiling) "I can't believe we both love the same authors. It's like we were meant to meet."

**y/n:** (blushing) "I know, right? It's so nice to find someone who understands."

They spent countless hours together, studying in the library, exploring the campus, and attending literary events. Their favorite spot was a quiet corner of the library, where they would sit and read together, sometimes in comfortable silence, sometimes discussing their favorite passages.

**Aman:** (whispering in the library) "I love how passionate you are about literature. It's one of the things I admire most about you."

**y/n:** (smiling) "And I love how you always listen to my ramblings about books. You're the best."

They celebrated their anniversaries with small, thoughtful gestures. On their first anniversary, he surprised y/n with a handwritten letter and a book she had been wanting to read.

**Aman:** (handing over the book) "Happy anniversary, y/n. I hope you like it."

**y/n:** (hugging him) "I love it! Thank you so much."

As time went on, they became each other’s confidants and biggest supporters. They shared their dreams, fears, and hopes for the future.

**y/n:** (dreamily) "I want to be a writer someday. Do you think I can do it?"

**Aman:** (reassuringly) "I know you can. You have so much talent and passion. I'll always be here to support you."

Back to present:

But those happy memories now felt distant and painful. In the present, the betrayal was too much for y/n to bear. The trust that had taken two years to build was shattered in an instant.

**y/n:** (to herself, crying) "I thought he loved me. How could I have been so wrong?"

Heartbroken, y/n vowed never to fall in love again. She threw herself into her studies, determined to excel and make the most of the remaining years at university. The library, once a place of happy memories, became her determination for a different reason. She spent long hours there, focusing on her books and assignments.

**Sneha:** (noticing y/n’s dedication) "You're working so hard, y/n. I admire your strength."

**y/n:** (smiling faintly) "Thanks, Sneha. I just need to keep moving forward."

And so, y/n studied hard, immersing herself in her academic pursuits. The five years passed, and she graduated with honors, her heart still healing from the pain but filled with the pride of her accomplishments.

**y/n:** (reflecting) "These past years have been so challenging, but I've grown so much. Tezpur University has given me so much more than just an education."

**Sneha:** "You're ready to take on the world, y/n. Your journey is just beginning."

On graduation day, y/n felt a sense of closure. The heartache that once seemed unbearable had transformed into a source of strength. She walked across the stage to receive her degree, feeling grateful for the experiences that had shaped her.

**y/n:** (teary-eyed) "I can't believe we're graduating. These past five years have been the best and hardest of my life."

**Friends:** (hugging her) "We're going to miss you, y/n, but we know you'll do amazing things in the future!"

As y/n looked ahead to the next chapter of her life, she knew that she was ready. The journey through Tezpur University had prepared her for whatever came next, and she carried the lessons and memories with her, ready to face the world with a resilient heart.

Love Across Stars | Lee Min Ho | FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now