Chapter 7

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As y/n started working at MYM Entertainment, she found herself surrounded by talented individuals who shared her passion for Korean culture. Among them was Lee Min Ho, a renowned actor whom she had admired for years.

**Y/n:** (meeting Lee Min Ho for the first time) "Hello, Mr. Lee. I'm y/n, your new interpreter."

**Lee Min Ho:** (smiling warmly) "Nice to meet you, y/n. I've heard great things about you."

From the very start, y/n felt a magnetic pull toward Lee Min Ho. Her heart raced whenever he was near, and she found herself stealing glances at him during meetings.

One day, while they were working late on a project, the power suddenly went out, plunging the room into darkness.

**Y/n:** (nervously) "Oh no, what happened?"

**Lee Min Ho:** (chuckling) "Looks like a power outage. Don't worry, I've got a flashlight on my phone."

He turned on the flashlight, and in the dim light, their faces were just inches apart. The close proximity made y/n's heart flutter.

**Lee Min Ho:** (softly) "Are you okay?"

**Y/n:** (blushing) "Y-yes, I'm fine."

Their eyes locked for a moment, and the air was thick with unspoken feelings. Just as y/n was about to say something, the power came back on, and the moment was gone.

As the days turned into weeks, y/n and Lee Min Ho found themselves growing closer. They shared more late nights working together, and their conversations became more personal.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day, Lee Min Ho suggested they take a break and grab dinner together.

**Lee Min Ho:** "There's a great place nearby. How about we get some fresh air and good food?"

**Y/n:** (smiling) "I'd love that."

They walked to a cozy little restaurant, and as they ate, they talked about their dreams and passions. Lee Min Ho was captivated by y/n's stories of her journey to Korea and her love for the culture.

**Lee Min Ho:** "You've come so far and worked so hard. It's really inspiring."

**Y/n:** (shyly) "Thank you, Mr.Lee. It means a lot coming from you."

After dinner, they walked along the Han River, the city lights reflecting off the water. The night was cool and calm, and the atmosphere was filled with a sense of magic.

 The night was cool and calm, and the atmosphere was filled with a sense of magic

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**Lee Min Ho:** "Y/n, can I tell you something?"

**Y/n:** (curious) "Of course."

**Lee Min Ho:** (stopping to face her) "I've enjoyed every moment we've spent together. You make everything feel...different, in a good way."

**Y/n:** (heart pounding) "Your words... might confuse me, Mr. Lee"

He took her hand, and the touch sent a jolt of electricity through her, as the world around her seemed to fade away.

**Lee Min Ho:** (softly) "Call me,Min-ho from now on."

**Y/n:** (whispering) "Mr. Lee, I-..."

Before she could say anything more, he leaned in and kissed her softly. The kiss was gentle and when they finally pulled away, y/n felt like she was floating.

 The kiss was gentle and when they finally pulled away, y/n felt like she was floating

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**Y/n:** "It's... It's.. I mean.. Uhm, I-."

**Lee Min Ho:** (smiling) "I've been wanting to tell you this for a while. I think...I think I'm falling for you."

From that night on, their relationship blossomed. They kept their romance a secret from their colleagues, savoring the stolen moments and secret glances.

One weekend, Lee Min Ho invited y/n to his family's vacation home in Jeju Island. They spent their days exploring the beautiful island, and their nights under the stars, talking about their hopes and dreams.

One evening, as they sat on the beach watching the sunset, Lee Min Ho turned to y/n.

One evening, as they sat on the beach watching the sunset, Lee Min Ho turned to y/n

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**Lee Min Ho:** "Y/n, I've never felt this way about anyone before. You make me believe in destiny and true love."

**Y/n:** (teary-eyed) "It always feels like a dream to me."

He took her hand and slipped a simple silver ring onto her finger.

**Lee Min Ho:** "This is a promise that we'll always find our way back to each other, no matter what."

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