Chapter 11

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The next morning, the internet was abuzz with photos of the private concert that Min Ho had organized for Y/n. Someone had taken pictures of the intimate event and posted them on social media. Fans quickly discovered the photos and soon, the news spread like wildfire.

The revelation of the private concert and Y/n's presence alongside Min Ho triggered a storm of reactions from his fans. Some were supportive, happy to see their idol happy, but others felt betrayed and disappointed. They couldn't accept that Min Ho was in a secret relationship.

As the photos and speculations continued to circulate, Y/n's phone buzzed with notifications. She felt a knot in her stomach as she saw the messages and comments flooding in. The criticism and negativity were overwhelming, and she couldn't help but feel like she had caused trouble for Min Ho.

Amidst the chaos, Y/n's phone rang, and she saw her agency's number on the screen. Nervously, she answered the call, and her heart sank as they demanded her resignation and a public apology.

"We can't let this scandal damage Min Ho's career," the CEO said sternly. "You have to take all the blame on yourself and announce your resignation. This is the only way to protect him."

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she listened to their demands. She knew that she would be sacrificing her own happiness to protect Min Ho, but she loved him too much to see his career suffer.

"I understand," she said, her voice shaking. "I'll do what you're asking."

As the day of the press conference approached, Y/n's heart weighed heavy with sadness and anxiety. She had to face the world and take the blame for something that was beyond her control.

Min Ho was away on a shooting trip abroad, completely unaware of the storm that was brewing. He sent Y/n messages throughout the day, unaware of her turmoil as she replied, trying her best to hide her pain.

The day of the press conference arrived, and Y/n stood before the reporters, her heart pounding in her chest. The room was filled with tension, and the flashes of cameras made her feel dizzy.

She took a deep breath and began her speech, confessing to attending the private concert and taking full responsibility for the leaked photos. The fans and reporters bombarded her with questions, their anger and disappointment evident in their voices.

"Why did you keep your relationship with Min Ho a secret?" one reporter asked.

Y/n's voice trembled as she replied, "We wanted to protect our privacy. We knew that being in a public relationship could be difficult, and we didn't want to subject our love to unnecessary scrutiny."

The criticism and accusations continued, and Y/n felt like she was drowning in a sea of negativity. The weight of it all was crushing, but she remained composed, taking the blame upon herself to shield Min Ho from the backlash.

Unbeknownst to her, Min Ho had discovered the truth about the SNS post and the press conference while on his way back to Incheon. He was furious with his agency for putting Y/n through such a difficult situation without his knowledge.

In the midst of the press conference, Min Ho's manager informed him about the ongoing situation. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, and his anger grew with each passing moment. He hurriedly got on the next available flight, filled with determination to find Y/n and protect her from the chaos she was facing.

As he landed at the airport, Min Ho's heart pounded with worry and desperation as he rushed to Y/n's apartment, only to find it empty. Panic surged through him as he asked her neighbors if they had seen her, but no one knew where she had gone.

Frantic, he dialed her number over and over, praying that she would answer. But with each unanswered call, his fear intensified. He couldn't bear the thought of her facing this storm alone.

A neighbor, who had seen Y/n leaving with her suitcases, mentioned that she had mentioned going to the airport. Without hesitation, Min Ho hailed a taxi and sped towards the airport, his heart racing with every passing second.

Upon arriving, he scanned the crowded terminal, his eyes searching for any sign of her. And then, he spotted her amidst a small crowd, surrounded by fans and reporters who were shouting questions at her.

Seeing her surrounded and overwhelmed, Min Ho's anger resurfaced. He couldn't believe that the woman he loved was being subjected to such a chaotic and painful situation.

Pushing through the crowd, he made his way to Y/n, fiercely protecting her from the intrusive cameras and prying eyes. "Y/n!" he called out, his voice determined and protective.

Y/n's head snapped up at the sound of his voice, her eyes widening in surprise and relief. For a moment, it felt as if time stood still as they locked eyes, and in that moment, all the chaos around them seemed to fade away.

Without wasting another second, Min Ho wrapped his arms around her, shielding her from the crowd. "That's enough!" he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "Leave her alone!"

The fans and reporters were taken aback by his sudden appearance and the protectiveness in his demeanor. The crowd began to disperse, leaving them some space.

"Min Ho... I'm sorry," Y/n whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I didn't want to cause trouble for you."

He cupped her face in his hands, his eyes softening with love and concern. "You don't have to apologize for anything," he said. "I should have been here to protect you. I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone."

Min Ho scolded Y/n for not telling him about the press conference, for keeping everything to herself, and for taking all the blame on herself. Y/n tried to explain, but the fans interrupted, hurling hurtful accusations at her.

He ignored the fans, pulling Y/n into a tight hug, showing the world that he stood by her side, no matter what. The sight of them together stunned everyone, and the cameras flashed incessantly, capturing the emotional moment.

Min Ho's actions silenced the critics, and some fans began to support their relationship, realizing the sincerity of their love

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Min Ho's actions silenced the critics, and some fans began to support their relationship, realizing the sincerity of their love. He ignored the chaos around them, focused solely on Y/n, and took her hand, leading her away from the crowd.

They found a moment of peace and privacy, and Y/n finally poured her heart out to him, explaining why she had taken all the blame and kept their relationship a secret. He listened with compassion, understanding the sacrifices she had made for him.

"I'm sorry for what you had to go through," he said, his voice filled with remorse. "I wish I had been there for you, to protect you from all of this."

Y/n shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You couldn't have known," she said. "And I would do it all over again if it means protecting you and your career."

Min Ho cupped her face in his hands, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. "I don't want you to sacrifice your happiness for me," he said softly. "We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Y/n smiled through her tears, feeling the love and support in his words.

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