6: Timeless

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It wasn't all smooth sailing after that night.

There was still a feeling of regret in the mix, and Blaine couldn't handle losing it. That regret, that guilt, is what kept him ok. Knowing that that could be taken away, at any given moment, made his stomach hurt. He wasn't ready to lose his control over the situation. The regret of not having enough was eating him up inside. His brain a leaf to a guilt caterpillar, eating up his insides one vital organ at a time.

But tonight was the night to shine.

It had been a few months since their "first" kiss in the park. Since then, they had kissed many, many times after. But they never spoke of the words that slipped out Kurt's mouth that day, they also didn't speak of the growing tension between them. Sexual tension.

Ok, grown men in the house now. Grown ass men have desires. Now, do they act on those desires?

No, obviously they try not to.

Like, for example, when Blaine got dressed in front of Kurt and Kurt had to hold himself back because... Yeah he was feral. A kind of frustrating feral.

Or that other time when Kurt got a little too close during a make out session and Blaine nearly passed out.

Yep, a release was totally needed. But when? When was the right time to not not have your first time in your twenties? When do you know you're ready to have sex after being in a relationship where sex was so prevelant, you had a safeword for the safeword. Ok tmi.

It was safe to say that Blaine wanted Kurt to be comfortable. He himself wanted to be comfortable, ready. Physically able to perform correctly. Because, in hindsight, he was really bad at performing. Sebastian often closed his eyes during sex, and they would never ever cuddle. Ever. It got to the point where Blaine assumed he was just bad in bed... Which kept him with Sebastian even longer.

Blaine wanted his not first time to be like his first time. He wanted it to be romantic, planned out to the fullest.

The night he asked Kurt over, several nights before then, he and Kurt had planned out everything. They agreed on what to wear, a safeword just in case someone felt uncomfortable, and that they wouldn't judge one another. It's been month since either of them have been intimate with another man. They were both going to be a bit backwards, and that was okay. Neither of them would judge.

As the doorbell rang, and Blaine opened it... All he could think was how lucky he was to have somebody like Kurt.

As they kissed, he thought about how much he wanted this. How much he's wanted Kurt.

And in those dark days, wishing Kurt would be at his door, ready and willing to take him back, he'd sleep next to Sebastian with an uneasiness. Even after making love, he was still a prisoner in his own mind. He trapped himself up there, looking at Sebastian's back and wanting, more than anything, to have that connection. That little part where they'd snuggle up to one another and breathe the same. Heartbeats colliding.

Colliding into the wall, the bed was made up and the lights were predimmed. Blaine sat on the bed, watching with hunger in his eyes as Kurt revealed a faded six-pack with chub around the edges because being human is ok. And everything about him was hot. The way he moved. His face. His hair. His body.

And the sweet nothings kept coming. They piled into the heat like cards on a table.

You're so handsome
I want you so bad
You're body is so hot
You're lovely
Babe, honey, ---- muffled four letter word that starts with L

These sweet nothings weren't whispered, they were screamed. Yelped inbetween kisses. Murmured admist the sweat, as they reached the tippity top together.

Kurt flopped down onto the bed after they cleaned up. His eyes were blown, his skin sweaty. His hand went down underneath the covers, interlacing his fingers with Blaine's. They shared the same everlasting smile.

"I love you," he said.

And the world went quiet.

"I love you... Too," Blaine said back.

Kurt smiled, laying his head on Blaines chest. Drifting slowly from this planet.

Two orbitals, moving fastly around the universe at the speed of light. Two very engrossed men and their love abidding truths, whispered into the night for the world to hear when they needed it to. Two big hopes in the world.


Three years later.

These two orbitals are getting hitched! And you're invited!

No, you don't get to hear their vows. You don't even get to know if Rachel had more children (she probably did) and no, you don't get to know who came. Because I don't care to tell you.

It doesn't matter.

Blaine and Kurt get married.

They have a fulfilling life together.

They have 1 kid, two cats.

They move back to Ohio for two years, and then find their way back to New York.

They encounter many obstacles. Like Blaine's job. Like Sebastian coming back.

It's a good life. A great life. Because they communicate, because they know when either of them are uncomfortable. Because they know eachother, want to make this work even if it means waiting on time.

So they waited on time, decided to get married when passing through Ohio. At the water. And everything is fine and okay.

They grow old, they adopt a baby, two cats. Name them Finn, Sadie, and Louis. They love to play dress up, have tea parties, destroy pretend cities, and go on family outings to Central park. Sometimes they'd even go and see Jesse, or Rachel perform in off (or on) Broadway plays. Visit Ohio and play with Grandpa, Grandma, and Gran.

And they'd have a fulfilling life together, like I said before.

Don't you get it?

They're dead.

Ashes spread in the water at Venice Beach.

That's how the album ends.


Two dead lovers. Two very dead lovers. A book covered in cobwebs. A romance torn apart by fate.

"I'd die for you in the same way"

Sorry for ending it so soon
Sorry for loving you too good
But our hair will grow grey another day
In another lifetime
I find you.

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