3: Dear John/Mine

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2 months before the wedding.

Before moving in with Sebastian, Blaine had been on track to becoming a Broadway actor. Now, he found his calling in the piano. Songs flowed to him like water flows in a sponge. It doesn't.

Ok, so he's not a good song writer, what gives?

Well Blaine  hadn't been out looking for a job. After meeting Sebastian in college, he had been under the impression that they were financially the same. (Struggling). But when moving in with him, Sebastian claimed to be the next heir to a multi-million dollar company.

Sebastian was out almost everyday. He'd come back late at night and then ask for sex. Now, as their wedding grew ever closer, Sebastian often fell asleep on the couch, or barely came home at all. He was working extra shifts to pay for the venue.

It was often that Blaine would feel guilty for not contributing. After all, he hadn't been in the scene for years. That side left him as soon as he graduated. Now, he was a washed up song writer, living in his boyfriend's dad's apartment complex and about to get married in a month.

Day after day, Blaine would sit at the piano, trying to write music. Trying to feel something. But it never happened. Not how he'd like it to go.

Many times, Blaine would find himself finding melodies to songs that he didn't care for anymore. He'd find poems in his back pocket that were ripped. He'd find himself yearning for a better life. And that "better life" had begun when Sebastian took a knee. Now Blaine was just waiting for it to take effect.

Blaine had sent out invitations last month. To his parents back in Ohio. To the William McKinley Glee Club. To Sue Sylvester. To all of his friends from Dalton. The Warblers. All of Sebastian's friends from Dalton. The only two people he hesitated on were Sam and Kurt. Did he honestly have to have them at his own wedding?

Although he had some reservations, Blaine sent the invitations despite them. Maybe it was because somewhere, some little part of him, wanted to see Kurt again. Or maybe he couldn't bring himself to care anymore?


"You're inviting your ex to our wedding!?"

If the words "escalating quickly" were on urban dictionary, Bash's name would be in the description. His shouting pierced through the walls and seeped into other apartments. Dripped down the highly flammable drapes and onto the carpeted floor.

"He's not an ex," Blaine reasoned, "We hooked up twice which shouldn't matter since everybody in that club hooked up at least twice!"

Sebastian had just come home from work, laid in the bed for two seconds before Blaine had confessed what he'd done that afternoon. Written Save The Dates.

"Blaine you're fucking crazy!" Bash did a hand gesture, "That's what I get for wanting to marry you. No communication. No empathy. How do you think I feel? If you hooked up then, what's stopping you guys from doing it again?"

"Bash-," some part in Blaine stopped working that day, "I would never ever cheat on you! I mean, I want to marry you, isn't that all the verification you need? I love you, not him, ok? He is old, old, old news and is just coming because I invited his ex-husband."

"You what?"

There were flames encircling them in that room. Encasing them in smoke and debris. Ashes rained down from the roof as Blaine stood on stilts. Sensation in steady feet.

"What I'm curious about is why I can't invite Kurt but you can invite all of your booty call list, huh? And why do you care, anyways? If I left you for Kurt I'd regret that decision for the rest of my life."

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