Chapter Three - Dancing for Him

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I kick my heels against the well-manicured lawn in frustration and storm back into the ball.

Adam is talking to another girl, Peter has left me again, and Father has fire burning hot behind his eyes.

I look at him with a stern face and hitch up my skirts before walking over to my betrothed, a false smile plastered on my lips.

"Adam, dear..." I touch his fore arm lightly. I see him become more uncomfortable, caught in the act of talking to another lady.

This is good, Wendy.

I mean, Matilda.

Become the normal Matilda again, forget Neverland, forget it all.

"Hello, dear, this is Penelope-"

"Please, call me Penny." She says, offering her hand to me, which I take and shake lightly.

"She's my sister." I look at her properly, of course she is. Her hair is blonde like his, and tied in loose curls. Her emerald gown compliments her figure.

And she falls into meaningless chit-chat with Adam.

I smile. I laugh when necessary. I shake hands and dance with strangers, but all I can think about is the complete and utter mess I am in.

And Peter.

I'm always thinking of Peter.

I continue to dance with Adam, allowing him to mindlessly babble on with his constant bragging. He isn't a natural dancer, his arms are too rigid and his feet too stiff, but it is obvious he has made the effort to attend dance lessons.

So he can please his betrothed.

I feel guilty for not wanting to marry him.

As the song comes to an end, Adam takes me by the hand and leads me into the gardens.

We stand on the patio, bathed in the silver glow of the moon, and before I can register what is happening Adam is holding me as he would if we were dancing.

"Teach me to dance like a true gentleman, Matilda." He says, his eyes locked on mine.

I cast my eyes to his feet, his humongous feet that are not made for dancing. "Okay..." I think. I'm a fair dancer, but not as good as some of the other girls.

"Relax a bit, you're too tense." I say, looking back to his pale face. "Loosen these elbows..."

"Alright..." He says, standing a bit taller, arms a bit looser. "Better?" He asks, a charming smile across his face.

"I suppose," I joke, gaining a laugh from my betrothed.

"I lead, correct?"


And we start to dance.

One two three, one two three.

Picking up the pace.

One two three, one two three.

I spin out and curtsy, spin back in.

One two three, one two three.

Instead of going back to our usual position, I find myself with my back to him, my arms held across my chest, him grasping my hands.

We sway together under the star-light.

"Am I good at dancing?" His voice trickles into my ear, calm and soft.

I look up to the stars, a pang of guilt flooding my body.

Now is the time to move on, Wendy-girl.

"Fantastic." I whisper back, I cannot pretend I haven't enjoyed myself.

"Good." He says. He turns me back around to face him. He takes my cheek in one hand, but my feet are frozen to the ground, hoping what will not come next.

It does.

He pulls me in a bit closer, his other hand resting on my back, mine on his shoulders. He presses his lips to mine, eyes closed.

Go with it, Wendy.

I kiss him back. His lips are soft and full, but there is nothing there, Adam is nothing but a friend to me, and I cannot help it as I look up to the sky, my eyes resting on a particular star.

The second star on the right.

And straight on 'till morning.

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