𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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As Kathleen sat on the chair eating her ice cream, She observed passers-by as they took in the scenery

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As Kathleen sat on the chair eating her ice cream, She observed passers-by as they took in the scenery. She thought she saw her cousin chasing after some kids, but it had to be her imagination. Her gaze was drawn to someone approaching her. it was... "Robin?" As the girl sat next to her, she questioned.

"Do you happen to know anything about Russia?" Robin inquired openly. Kathleen looked at her with a weird expression on her face, what kind of ice cream they served there.

"My grandmother dated a Russian guy who educated her every time he came to visit her. He was weird but yet cool." She recalled, recalling how terrified she was when she first saw him. Totally terrifying.

"See, I know this idiot who knows this other idiot, and they both believe the Russians are plotting something and that we can decode this message to rescue the world." Robin elaborated. Kathleen laughed because she thought it was hilarious, but she soon realized she wasn't joking. "Just let me show you." she murmured, taking the girl's hand in hers. They both felt something run through their hearts at that time but didn't realist it.

They ran hand in hand towards the ice cream shop. Steve and Dustin both looked up as they burst into the room. "She knows Russian, and she's here to help." Robin explained. Kathleen noticed their hands remained linked but made no comment.

Kathleen finally let go of Robin's hand, which made Robin feel strange. "Could you kindly play the tape?" She begged. Kathleen went over all the words she knew as the recording played in her head. She took up the marker and scribbled the first word. They were all staring at her in admiration, which she shrugged off.

She continued to write down the words as the tape played over and over. She took a step back and carefully read them. "The week is long, the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west." Robin read out loud.

"What does that even mean?" She asked as she sat down on one of the chairs.

"This means we cracked a top secret Russian code, this is awesome!" Dustin's exhilaration had reached new heights. But what exactly does all of this entail, and why are Russians feeding silver cats?

The setting had a strange familiarity about it. They all strolled out of the ice cream shop, as if she had heard it before, attempting to wrap their heads around this one.. "This makes no sense.. I mean it's just crazy." Steve said.

"Honestly, I think it's great news." Dustin said. They all looked at him surprise.

"How is this great news?" Steve asked him. "I mean, so much for being American Heroes." he softly replied.

"It's total nonsense."

"it's not nonsense. It's too specific. It's obviously a code." Dustin stated. Okay, so this child reads a lot of comic books.

Kathleen noted that there were many children's stores nearby while they continued to dispute. There is always a lot of noise when there are so many kids around. Anything could be covered if you had a large enough place and enough sound.

"Why would anyone mask the true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?" Robin asked. Dustin looked over at her, "So I guess that confirms your suspicion." she added.

"Evil Russians." Dustin said, his expression obvious.

"I can't believe I'm about to agree with this strange child, but, yeah, totally evil Russians." Robin laughed, Kathleen smiled at that.

"The mall is the size of a city, but it's in a little town, why would anyone want to invest in such a large shopping center?" Kathleen questioned herself.

"It's probably gonna take a super genius to crack it, but... Where's Steve?" Robin questioned. They all looked around and discovered Steve digging through his pockets in front of a horse. Kathleen knew he liked being around kids, but she didn't expect him to act like one. "Hey, Steve. What are you doing?" Robin asked

"Uh, it's a quarter. I need...Do you have a quarter?" Steve inquired. They all started walking towards him.

"Sure you're tall enough for that ride?" Robin inquired. Kathleen crossed her arms as she threw a quarter at him and watched him insert the coin into the machine. The horse began to move as music filled the empty Mall. Her ears were filled with an unusual melody.

"You need help getting up, little Stevie?" Robin inquired. Dustin and Kathleen both laughed until Steve turned and silenced them. They all listened to it till it all hit them at once.

"Holy shit." Dustin stated. He took out the recorder and began to play it. The music in the code was the same as the music playing in the mall.

"This code, it... didn't come from Russia. It came from here." Steve said. Kathleen looked around the Mall. She was standing in a mall that was used to conceal whatever the Russians were up to. What they are up to is unknown.

Author's notes

The scoop's troupe is starting to come together we are just missing one important member to our small group. Don't worry our fearless Erica will join us soon.

Shout out to my favourite people.norasnetflix RuffieRoseStories arsvenal kiesluverr KleeAlise11 andorss

Well that's all from me. I hope to see you in the next update

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