Chapter 8

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Cosmophasis cleared his throat, the weight of his responsibility heavy in the air. The room fell into a tense silence as everyone's eyes fixated on the scroll before him. It contained a dark history of Ex-queen Jewel's past endeavors, as well as the recent betrayal toward King Yellowjacket of Peace's Haven kingdom.  With measured steps, Cosmophasis walked toward the long table and took his seat, his vibrant wings folded neatly by his side. His regal presence commanded respect, and everyone in the room followed suit. Snowdrift, the IceWing, Dubia, the HiveWing, Constrictor, the MudWing, and Peregrine, the SkyWing, each bowed gracefully before taking their places around the table. As the council members settled, a NightWing glided across the room. His scales shimmered under the dim light, and his movements were swift and silent. Without a word, he approached Harrier and Atmosphere, two dragons who had brought Jewel into the room. The NightWing carefully removed the chains from their talons and secured them around Jewel, fastening her against the wall in front of Cosmophasis. Satisfied with the NightWing's efficiency, Cosmophasis unrolled the scroll and began to read aloud. His voice carried authority and determination as he recounted the crimes Ex-queen Jewel had committed in her power-hungry reign and the ultimate act of treachery—her attempt to assassinate King Yellowjacket. Shock rippled across the faces of the council members as the extent of Jewel's wrongdoings unfolded before them. The room filled with whispers and gasps, echoing the disbelief of the gathered dragons. Cosmophasis paused for a moment, his gaze softening as he took in the gravity of the situation. Just as he was about to speak again, the NightWing stepped forward, his eyes reflecting a mix of anger and guarding determination. "Never again should such a traitor be allowed any chance of escape. We cannot risk the lives of our comrades," he declared, his voice laced with bitterness. Cosmophasis nodded in agreement, the council members silently concurring with the NightWing's words. They had seen the destruction and suffering Jewel had caused once, and they would not allow it to happen again. With a heavy heart, Cosmophasis motioned to the four SkyWing guards standing at the edges of the room—Precipt, Buzzard, Candescent, and Tornado. Their fierce determination mirrored that of their NightWing companion. Wordlessly, they moved forward and swiftly bound Jewel to one of the sturdy pillars, ensuring she could no longer wreak havoc on their world. The room fell back into a solemn silence, the weight of justice settling upon them. With Jewel securely restrained, the council members resumed their seats, their eyes fixed on the once-queen now held captive. Cosmophasis took a steadying breath and closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his thoughts. The time for retribution had come, and the fate of Ex-queen Jewel rested in their talons. As he reopened his eyes, a newfound determination burned within him, for the dragons gathered around the table were united in their quest for justice and peace. Little did they know, the events that had transpired in that room would spark a series of events that would challenge them all. The bonds forged between Snowdrift, Dubia, Constrictor, Peregrine, Cosmophasis, and the NightWing would be tested against a greater threat, one that would demand courage, sacrifice, and unity. They could not predict the battles, the tears shed, and the friendships formed over the course of their shared journey. But in that moment, as they watched Jewel, the fallen queen, held captive, they were resolute in their determination to protect their kingdoms and ensure that justice would prevail.

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