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TODAY WAS the day.  The hotel room was booked and the flight to Nashville, Tennessee would take off at 1 pm.  The only problem was...I wasn't packed.

At all.

After eating a late breakfast, I grabbed my suitcase from the closet beside the door and threw clothes, toiletries, and other items I thought I should take.  Usually, I never used them but it's best to be prepared.

By the time I had finished and was slipping my shoes on, it was 11:30 and I was late.  Though the flight wasn't taking off for an hour and a half, I still had to check in and go through security.  And who knows how bad traffic is this morning.

Rushing out the door and quickly getting into the car waiting outside, we sped off, only slowing down when we had made it to the airport.  

I thanked the driver and got my suitcase before quickly walking inside and checking my bag in.  12 o'clock on the dot.  I patiently waited in the security line before passing through and heading towards the gate.

I carried only a small bag holding my iPad, phone charger, water, and a tiny notebook and pencil in case an idea dawned on me throughout the flight.  Waiting patiently amongst the a small crowd, the business class boarded after first class, making the wait shorter.

I scanned my ticket in before heading down the tunnel connecting the plane to the building, greeting the two flight attendants at the front before slipping inside the dark vehicle.  Finding my seat near the front, I sat down and put my bag at my feet.  I had a lovely seat by the window with a nice privacy wall pulled up so I wouldn't bother the other stranger seated next to me.

I sighed and shifted in the stiff seat and quickly texted Taylor that I was taking off soon.


taking off soon



how longs the flight


2 hours or something

it should just be lowkey

taking off, I'll text you later

(Swiffer loved the message)

Slipping my phone back into my pocket, I leaned back and sighed heavily.

"God, I hate planes," I grumbled as the aircraft started to accelerate and we took off.  Only 2 hours.  I could make that.

Taylor was waiting for me in the back.  The private parking lot came in handy as I made my way down the marble hallway and out the metal door.  It was a sunny day, warmer than in New York, for sure.

The singer was waiting outside a black BMW, dark sunglasses hiding her eyes as she texted someone mindlessly.  The golden bangs framed her face perfectly, standing out from the darker clothes she had put on.

𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓵𝓸𝔀 -  T. SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now