Chapter 7

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Harry Styles

"Niall I swear to the high heavens if you do not stop tuning that same string-"

Niall throws me a nasty look, "chill out I'm almost done." Twisting the peg and testing the string over and over, I couldn't take it anymore. I stand and stomp over to him, grabbing the his that's placed on the neck. "It's tuned. Now you chill."

I know it's something he does when he's nervous, but it was getting on my last nerve. This will be the first time we've played in front of anyone other than Jazmine, who didn't even pay us any attention after begging to come hang out in the basement for band practice.  I had asked her for her opinion once we finished and she grunted and said hmm it's fine.

That was two nights ago and it was a real blow to my confidence. I know deep down what she says doesn't matter, but still, it stung. Niall told me to brush it off and that she's a music snob and Mitch and Sarah agreed. "Shes a right twat Harry don't stress." Sarah reassured.

The two of us found Mitch playing his guitar in a hole in the wall bar one night about a month ago with his lovely wife Sarah there cheering him on. We watched him play for almost an hour and where in complete awe of his talent.

I'd decided once he'd finished playing and took a seat at the bar top with Sarah that I'd approach him to ask if he would grab a drink. Niall and I had been looking for another guitarist for a while now, and he was the best we'd seen. I play myself, but not half as good as Mitch.

The four of us hit it off immediately. It took no time at all for us to get together and start playing as a unit. Lucky for us, Sarah was an incredible drummer, too. They were the dynamic duo we'd been searching for.

Mitch was sitting opposite from me sipping on a drink, eyeing Niall's nervous tic of constantly tuning his damn bass. "Dude, you're going to break a string."

Niall places his bass on its stand and proceeds to pace back and forth. "I know, i know I'm driving you guys mental. I'm just-"

"Nervous." Mitch and Sarah say in unison.

"We know. Now take a drink and take it easy." I hand Niall his beer that's now run warm, and he chugs the rest of it in two big gulps.

David, the bar manager, hustles through the door and takes a scan of the four of us sitting, anxiously waiting. "Alright you four are up next, you've got about a 10 minute slot since we have three other people braving the stage tonight!"

"Niall are you going to be ok?" Sarah asks, "you look a little pale."

"Yeah, yeah I just don't want to screw up. We've never played in front of people before." I lock eyes with him, sensing he's about to try and back out. "Everything will be fine. It's just 10 minutes. You're not usually like this, mate. What's going on?"

"Cora is going to be here." He admits.

Cora. Of course. He's wigging out because of a girl.

Sarah giggles under her breath, so Niall shoots her a look. "It's not funny! She's begged me to come tonight the moment she heard!! I just don't want to embarrass myself."

"You're not going to embarrass yourself. Promise." Mitch's words sink in as Niall listens to him give words of encouragement . If Cora is going to be here then that most likely means Solara will tag right along, and I have mixed feelings about that. I've only spent time with the woman once, and I'd rather not do it again. Someone that kind and willing to offer friendship is someone too good for me.

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