Chapter 8

46 3 9

Harry Styles
Trigger warning: unwanted touching

I don't know what's come over me tonight. I'm not sure if it was the rush of performing or the ungodly amount of alcohol in my system, but I almost asked Solara to come home with me. I opened my big stupid mouth and said I wouldn't mind disappearing with her. She shut it down though, thank the high heavens. I wouldn't even know what I would have done if she'd said yes.

...Who am I kidding. I know exactly what I would have done.

But I can't do that. I may despise Jazmine, but I'm not a cheater.

There's just something... Hypnotic about Solara. She wasn't just that cheerful girl I met in the bar that made my skin crawl with her joyful attitude. She was warm, inviting, and incredibly kind. I'm shocked she even bothered to speak to me again after how rude I was. I really need to learn to be nicer to people again.

She seemed much more reserved, tame even. Maybe it's because of the meat head she brought with her tonight... he never shut up. Like, ever. I noticed she'd hardly got two words in when he was monopolizing the conversation. I mean, I shouldn't have been ease dropping but I couldn't help it. She was respectful, nodding and listening intently as he babbled, but slight glances I'd receive from her sent shockwaves through me. Her gaze made me feel as if I was the only person in the room. It made my chest hurt.

She was simply enchanting. She cracked silly little jokes, gave all of her attention to the person she was talking to, as if she genuinely cared about what they were saying. I couldn't relate. I saw it with how she was with Sarah majority of the night, and that didn't stop Sarah from whispering to me that she adored the new addition to the group.

And boy did I start to feel the same way.

She was charismatic, drawing everyone's attention when she spoke, and did I mention her fucking eyes? Crystal clear, piercing blue, like two perfect orbs that had me feeling like I was drowning, and I felt no need to come up for air. She was sort of a breath of fresh air. I wouldn't ever admit that out loud, but you get my drift. I feel terrible for being so off putting the first time I met her, but hopefully I'm done being guarded. If she was willing to offer friendship to a complete stranger who was being a real tosser, then maybe I should take her up on it.

She carried herself like knew who she was and she loved every bit of herself, I could just sense it. It was like every single day wasn't agonizing and terrifying. Talking to her reminded me that at one point in my life I was very good at reading people, how i once enjoyed their presence.

She looked me in the eye when I spoke, she asked me questions about my interests, she complimented my achievements as a first year teacher. It was unlike anything I'd experienced. She didn't keep her distance when I waited at the bar from her, laughing at my stupid jokes and shoving my arm while I made fun of one grumpy guest that sat at the end of the bar.

My family never once cared about where I wanted to go in life, they never considered my feelings, they never nurtured type of person I wanted to show up as in the world. Their only concern was status and wealth, and by god they had it. To my father, if I wasn't some hard ass business man who instilled fear in others when I entered a room, then I wasn't a man.

My mum has tried recently to be the barrier between us, convincing him to let me live my life the way I see fit for the next year, but I know her like the back of my hand and she'll yield to him eventually. There's already rumblings of pulling me into the family business and not allowing me to finish out my year of teaching.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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