chapter 6

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"do not freak out or anything please" Ant says and me and Caleb nod

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"do not freak out or anything please" Ant says and me and Caleb nod

"so our family business is the ..." Dante paused and looked around the room at everyone

"Italian Mafia" Dante said and everyone looking at me and Caleb

Calebs face looked shocked it was so funny

"yeah I already know but i am happy you guys finally said it" i say with a slight smirk

"WHAT" everyone said in utter shock

"wait when did you find out" Andreas asked

"oh i knew since we all first me" i say

"WHAT THE ACUAL FUCK, YOU GUYS ARE A MAFIA" Caleb screamed standing up

"yup" Matteo says looking unamused

"SO YOU GUYS LIKE KILL PEOPLE DO DRUGS AND WEAPON STUFF" Caleb says with a scared and confused face

"yeah basically" mom says

"ok so do we have to join and do i get to fight people if i join" Caleb asks

that question made everyone ether confused or laugh, i was about to laugh because thats the type of thing i thought he would say because he likes to beat people up, i don't know why something is up with his brain but he is not a bully

"um you can officially join when you are done with school so in like 4 years but you can train for those 4 years if you want" Antonio tells him

"oh bummer but sure"Caleb says

"ok so can we go eat now then" i ask

"sure" mom says

we walk over to the dinning table and the food is already out its just pizza tonight

i grab a slice of margarita pizza it tasted so good

we sat through dinner in quiet eating unit

"can we watch a movie together to night" i ask and everyone looks at me

"sure we can have a ton of snacks and watch in the movie room" Dante says

"YAY" Gio and Caleb yell jumping up

"do we have to" Matteo asked like what a party pooped

"yeah you do, all of you do and if you don't i will kill you" i say

"ook"everyone says together scared and i just sit down and smile

"your scary" Andreas and Leo say staring at me

"yup she can be like a sweet little teddy bear some times but can also be like a devil or satin himself, serial killer bear shark thing" Aaron said

"and she can kill if she wants to i think" Caleb says

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