Chapter 8

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A cold breeze wakes me up and I squirm in bed getting up

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A cold breeze wakes me up and I squirm in bed getting up

Oh why it's freezing in here

I look over to see the window opened I must have forgotten to close it last night when I got back

I close the window and start to get ready, I wash my face and brush my teeth, I put on an oversized hoodie I stole from Aaron a while back and some old sweatpants and put my hair in a messy bun because I am just hanging out at the house today

I make my way through this maze to the kitchen I see everyone standing and sitting around the counter besides Dante, Ant, Enzo, and Leo

I walk over and say good morning to everyone and then I make my way right Aaron who is siting in one of the middle stools

"Loser" i say hitting the back of is head an the i run over to the other side of the counter before he can hit me back even though he always catches me

Mom was sitting drinking her coffee and Caleb was eating all the blueberries that we just got and they were in business, because this happens all the time and Andreas, Marco, Matteo, and Gio where staring at me and Aaron confused as we stare into each other's eyes he stands up and I smirk and get ready to run he starts chasing me in circles around the counter and I pull out a chair and slide it near him to get in his way. Of course it doesn't work he gets to me, and then we start hitting each other. Of course I don't intend on fully hitting him, because that will actually hurt him, then mom yells at us

"Ok that is enough you two I don't want you breaking stuff or each other again" we both stop in place and look at her and then Aaron hit me in the back of the head lightly but I like to be dramatic when it comes to him

" OOOOWWWW, MOM HE IS TRYING TO KILL ME" I say and she just takes a sip of her coffee

"Sit down and have breakfast you two" she says and Aaron sits down to finish his cereal and I go the get a knife

" woow hailee you don't need to take it that far" Aaron says putting is hands up and smirks at me

" You know this isn't for you it's for my Apple" i say pointing it at him an then getting and apple and start cutting pieces as I eat is and leaning on the counter

"What the hell was that" Marco asked and Gio and Andreas just laughed at use

"What do you mean"i ask him

"i mean you guys chasing and hitting each other " Marco said

"oh that, they do it all the time it is normal, don't you guys rough house"Caleb said still eating all the blueberries i swear he has an addiction to them

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