Swim Day

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It has been a week since Louis was given the pills. His breast have been tender and swollen. Harry has been hitting him in the chest a lot. Louis doesn't like the feeling of pain that is received after it. The only issue is that he doesn't know if he should see if he can pump the milk first or have Harry give it a try.

He decided to let the pump do its work. At the moment he was walking to Harry's nursery to see if he was awake. When he opened the door a smiling Harry faced him. "Hi my baby. Did you have a good nap?"

Harry took out his pacifier, placing it on to his lap. "Yesh."

Louis picks up Harry's body, placing him on the changing table. "Do you want to swim today?" Harry nods his head yes. "Okay we have to get you into your swimmers trunk."

Louis unzips Harry's sleeper, throwing it into the laundry basket that was next to the changing table. He tapes Harry's diaper, also throwing it into the trash can. Underneath the table there are swim diapers. Louis quickly grabs one, sliding it up his baby.

In Harry's dresser there is a lot of swim suits. Louis grabs one he think will work for Harry. The trunks that Louis grabs are light and dark blue squares with a orange rim. He slides the trunks on Harry, also.

Harry and Louis walk down stairs, Harry on Louis hip. In the kitchen Louis sets Harry on the floor so he can get a sippy cup from the cabinet. While Louis is in there he also gets the pump. He goes to the fridge grabbing a jug of apple juice. Louis pours the juice about 3/4 of the way full. He picks Harry back up, giving him his cup, walking to the back door with Harry on his hip and his pump in his hand.

Outside Harry is sat on a chair so Louis can put sunscreen on him and a float vest . "Water Daddy! Water!" Harry exclaimes.

"Yes my baby water. You will go inside in a second." Louis smiles at Harry, Harry smiling back. Louis let's Harry walk to the steps of the pool. Harry shivers at first then belly flops into the water. "Is it cold?" Louis chuckles at Harry who is splashing around.

Harry ignored Louis question too focused in splashing. Louis sits on a chair in the shade, he takes off his shirt, putting it on the table next to him. He learned how to use the pump from a YouTube video. Louis attachs the circle part of the pump to his chest. At first he grunted at the pain, after a few minutes he is feeling relief. The bottles are slowly being filled with milk.

Louis looks back at Harry, who somehow got a water gun. Harry is pointing the water gun at the sky, giggling when it comes down. "Daddy it's raining." Harry does the action again. "Look daddy."

"I see it Hazzie. Are you having fun?" Harry nods his head. "I am so happy you are having fun." Harry laughs more.

Louis looks down at his chest seeing how filled the bottles were. The bottles are about half way full. He feels that it's best to stop pumping for now. Louis turns off the pump machine and detaches the pump from his chest. He checks the bottles that are filled with milk. The lines on the side of the bottle says he filled them up to 4 ounces.

"Hazzie let's go inside for a snack." Harry looks at him then back at the water.

"No." Harry wants to keep swimming.

"Yes, baby. You must be getting hungry." Louis tries to convince the boy.

"Me a little hungry." Louis smiles at the boy. He looks so cute with his Thomas the Train float vest on.

"If you are very hungry I recommend coming inside and drying off to have a yummy snack. What you think about that?" Harry thinks about it for a few seconds. Deciding on whether to do what his Daddy says or disobey and stay in the water.

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