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Amelié's POV

"I have a what?!" I almost shouted at her.
"I can't go out with him after everything that happened today." I said frustrated and she looked at me confused.

After I told her the whole story, she had her jaw almost on the floor.
"Wow. I missed a lot in a day." she chuckled.
"You will have to play it out either way. We are going to let out some rumours today, and send some Paparazzi after you two tomorrow. Next weekend, you will announce it together. You just need a backstory." she explained.

"Already have one." I smiled proudly and she whistled jokingly.

"Arthur!" she shouted very loudly. Probably the whole hotel could hear her. She didn't care, she wasn't that type of person. She couldn't give a shit less about what people thought about her.

The opposite of me.

His head peeked on the balcony, right before he stepped out.
He looked rather annoyed.
"Yes?" he said very coldly and unbothered.

"You two have a date tomorrow. And please talk it out. It was a misunderstanding." she motioned between us and I glared at her.

Arthur looked at me, not very happily. He hated me. As I said. I hated me too. Why did I react so stupidly. Why did I always do this this.

She then stood up and left our room.

"Talk then." he ordered. I just opened my mouth, but closed it as I didn't know what to say. I know what I wanted to say, I just didn't know how to say it.

"I don't know." I whispered and he scoffed.
"Of course you don't." he didn't even give another glance, just walked out of our room, who knows where.

I had to fix this. But I didn't know how. He's not going to listen to me. Not after everything. I need some time for myself.

I have some thinking to do.

I grabbed my purse and the phone, AirPods and the key card, walking to the streets right after.

I didn't know where Arthur was. I didn't care. Who am I lying to? Of course I cared.

I have to fix this.

Arthur's POV

This café was actually pretty nice. It was quiet and there weren't too many people.

I was thinking about Amelié.

I didn't understand why she said all that. I mean yeah, I did bully her, but is that really an excuse for hating me?

I wanted to be on good terms with her, but she was making it very difficult.

If she would at least say sorry before, I would've forgiven her. The feelings were too strong to even dislike her.
She could do absolutely anything and I would still forgive her.

I wanted this to work; I didn't want to lose my sit and I didn't want Amelié lose her job also. She loved her job. I think I never met a person who loved photography more than her. It was basically impossible.

It was her passion, her heart. She would explain her feelings through the photos she took.

I remember back in the time, Oliver told me about her eating disorder. She always photographed the darkest things she could find.

It wasn't very dark, but it was spiders, snakes and things like that. She showed she was struggling, only with a different way.

I found it disturbing, to be honest.

"Hey, what would you like to order?" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts. It was the waitress.
"Just a hot tee would be nice." I smiled at her and she nodded, before walking away.

People weren't recognising me, which was honestly a good thing. I loved my fans, but sometimes you just need some time for yourself.

Only you, with your own thoughts.

That was, when a very known face caught my eye. Amelié was here. From all of the other stupid cafes, she had to come here?

Fucking hell.

She noticed someone was staring and locked eyes with me. Her eyes screamed apology, if only she could say it.

Of course she walked straight to my table. Fuck me.

"Arthur, cam we talk?" she asked.
"No." I harshly snapped and stood up. "I won't talk to you until you make up your mind. Enjoy the hot tee." I smirked sarcastically.

I didn't want to be rude. I just wanted to push her away. Again.

I didn't want to get my feelings hurt.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't care. I wanted to be alone. Without Amelié, Oliver or my brother.


Did you get it?

If you didn't, I wanted to be alone.


I was walking for about twenty minutes now, finding a cute donut shop. I had to stop and get one.
The biggest question was; which one.

There was the glazed one.
Chocolate one.
A donut with sprinkles.
Plain with jam.

They all looked so good.

So I bought all of them. Why not?

On the way back to the hotel, I bumped into a person. It was Olivia. What was she doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I hissed at her, making her laugh maniacally.
"I'm going to make your life miserable, Arthur. I thought I was clear with it when you broke up with me." she smirked evilly.

I ignored her and walked forward, but on the inside, I was burning with worry. When she wanted something, she would get it. If she wanted to ruin my life, she will.

One lie here, one lie there and I'll be without a seat. I can't lose my seat. My dad wouldn't be proud of me right now.

Everyone warned me about her, that she was only using me for fame, yet I didn't listen to them and followed my stupid my heart as always.

When I entered the room, I didn't see Amelié, so I went to the balcony, sitting on the floor, munching on a very good chocolate donut.

After I ate, I decided to go to the gym, as my first session was very short, due to Amelié's stupidness.

Amelié's POV

I entered the empty, dark room at seven in the evening. I had no clue where Arthur was and I was getting a little bit anxious, because it was getting late and he seemed angry when he stormed out of the cafe.

What if something happened to him? What if someone killed him?

Okay, now this is exaggeration.

I saw his gym clothes were missing, so I calmed down, knowing he was safe.

Why did I care so much?

I didn't like him... he bullied me. But, I still cared for him.
I didn't want to like him, but did anyway.

That's when I noticed a little, cute box sitting on the dining table.

I moved closer and looked at it.

"Please, eat dinner:)" it wrote on a small yellow paper, sticked to a box with donuts.

I opened it and saw a glazed donut, next to the sprinkles one. My two favourite ones.

I smiled. Even though he was reasonably very angry with me, he still wanted me to be healthy and safe.


i actually quite like this chapter, hope you do too.

i'm proud of you.

sending love🫶🏼

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