KillerMare Angst || Healing bruises (2)

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Y'all- iM.. so sorry for not posting yesterday- I was kinda tired and worn out because alot of sh happened- but hey it's now Saturday I'll post new parts daily maybe when it's night at 3 am because LIkE- that's the time I usually make new parts but anyways this is a part 2 of healing bruises, this chappie will be longer since I have time to think of ideas while I do this chap anyways, enjoy!

 so sorry for not posting yesterday- I was kinda tired and worn out because alot of sh happened- but hey it's now Saturday I'll post new parts daily maybe when it's night at 3 am because LIkE- that's the time I usually make new parts but anyways t...

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(This chapter might include some killermare lemon so be awar-)

Healing Bruises (²)


ust fidgeted with his fingers, Error was texting Reaper on the phone silently Lust awkwardly scratched his skull and hummed expectantly for Error to say something but he just kept quiet, Lust decided to speak up but before that lust took a deep breath and exhaled. "So uhmm.." Error turned his head to Lust, raising his eyebrow confusingly waiting Lust to finish his sentence. Lust snapped his fingers and pointed a gun finger at Error "hOwS.. lifEe-" Lust said in a high low pitched voice Errors eye sockets went half opened at Lusts question, Error sighed and slowly turned his head away from Lust feeling the awkwardness between them because of the silence "L1f3$... F!n€." Error said glitching slightly twitching as he turned off his phone and placing it aside beside him, Lust was frozen at Errors question his face turned into ' :D ' "thATs gOoD tO hEaRr.." Lust said as Error mumbled something between his "lips" Lust raised his ehebrow but shook his head, ignoring what Error could've possibly mumbled to himself. Suddenly. Killer woke up groaning against the floor, Errors eye sockets widened as Lust was frozen, Killer sat up rubbing his skull, as he looked at Error and Lust staring at him, Killer froze dead silent as Error and Lust were too "Why are you looking at me like tHaT-" Killer said awkwardly, as Error shook his head and Lust looked away "N0th!ng w3'r€ ju$t sh0ck3d." Error said rubbing his own skull, Killer rolled his nonexistent pupil as he saw Nightmare, Killer eyes widened seeing Nightmare laying on the couch with cuts around his body and half of his clothing ripped off, Lust raised his eyebrow tilting his head seeing Killer look at Nightmare, "Oh- don't worry Killer, Your bottom boyfriend is fi-"


"OW WHAT THE FU-" Error had bonked Lusts skull with his hand that turned into a fist, Error growled at Lust "S@Y M¥ FR!3ND 1S @ B0TTOM 1'L|_ K!L-L-L YOU." Lust rubbed his skull groaning in pain as he turned his head to Error "Geez! Chill out." Lust said rolling his pupils placing his chin on the palm of his hand, "just sayin the truth.." lust said in a mumbling voice, Error hissed at Lust. While Killer was frozen at what Lust had just said, Killer mumbled quietly something between his lips, Lust and Error drew attention on what Killer said "Wh@t d!d y0u s@-@-@¥?-" Error said in a questioning voice, Killer sighed as he looked down on the ground rubbing his nose, "he's not my boyfriend.." Lust and Error froze, hearing clearly what Killer said "Wh-" Error placed his hand on Lusts mouth cutting him off, Lust mumbled angrily not being able to talk, Error glared at Killer "S0 y0u'r3 n0t @c¢ept!Ng h1m @s y0ur b0¥fr!end.‽" Error said glitching further while talking, Killer looked at Error and glared back at him "No. Why would I ever accept him as my boyfriend? When he's getting married to that fucking shit head bird b!tch." Killer said rubbing his skull, Error sighed deeply as he pulled his hand away from Lusts mouth, Error looked at Lust signalling him to say something to Killer. Lust saw Errors signal and nodded, as he looked at Killer "Killer, just because he's getting married to Swad doesn't mean he wanted to-" "Oh then he was forced to?. He could've said no he's the 'god' of negativy how could he possibly not fight back?" "Killer just because he's the 'god' of negativy doesn't mean he can fight back- have you thinked about the trauma he got from- him? Imagine how scared he was if he was abused and.. raped severel times. How would you feel?" "....Oh so I'm the wrong one here huh? Ofcourse I am, I've always been the 'stupid one'" "Killer you are not- "NO. YOU PROVED TO ME THAT I'M WRONG ABOUT NIGHTMARE, DO I EVEN DESERVE TO SPEAK AT THIS POINT?" "Killer please lower your-" "LOWER WHAT? MY VOICE? I COULD SEW MY MOUTH SHUT JUST FOR YOU" "KILLER CALM DOWN." "..." "For asgores sake. I'm not proving to you your wrong, I thought the same thing nightmare could've fought back and defend himself but he was too scared, to be hurted and abused that's the logicness we need to understand. Okay sure maybe he could've got over his trauma and fight but he couldn't. Okay? You need to understand the situation and why he didn't so just calm down-" "Gu¥$.." Lust looked at Error and raised his eyebrow, seeing Error looking at someone lust turned his head and saw Nightmare standing beside the couch with tears streaming down his cheeks, Lust eye sockets widened as Killer looked at Lusts direction, and froze. Nightmare gripped his fists "..." "Boss I--" Nightmare sniffled as he ran upstairs running into his office and slamming the door shut loudly, Killer jumped at the door shutting loudly. Lust and Error sighed, Lust stood up rubbing his skull "I have to go home now. You deal with your 'friend'" Lust said rolling his pupils at Killer, Lust opened up a portal to UNDERLUST and walked inside, closing it slowly Error sighed and stood up, picking up dust and horror with his strings "1'll g0 h3@l th3s£ b0th." Error said not even looking at Killer, Error walked bringing Dust and Horror with him with his strings to the "healing room" somewhere in the castle, Killer stood there frozen feeling guilt in his soul as he gripped his fists.

"You fucking idiot.." Killer said as his soul turned into a heart, it was deformed turning into his normal soul then into a heart, Killer rubbed his skull as he sighed deeply pinching himself hardly, Killer tapped his shoe up and down thinking about what to do, killer sighed and looked at Nightmares office upstairs, killer gripped his fists as he teleported infront of nightmares office door, knocking slowly "boss.." Killer whispered against the door leaning his head against the door "look I'm.. sorry." Killer said as he gripped his fists, meanwhile Nightmare was leaning against the door on his back, hearing Killers words tears streamed down Nightmares cheeks, Nightmare sighed deeply as he grabbed the door knob slowly opening the door as Killer eye sockets sligjtly widened seeing Nightmare with slight small tears streaming down his eye, Killer entered Nightmares office and Nightmare closed the door, Nightmare turned his head to Killer wiping away his tears shaking his head, Killer sighed as he looked at Nightmare "I'm sorry boss. I wasn't thinking what I was doing and I-" Killer was then cut off, from Nightmare kissing him, Killer eye sockets widened at the sudden kiss, blushing slightly as Killer leaned in the kiss deeper as he held the back of Nightmares head, Nightmare pulled away with a trail of saliva connected to Killers lips, Killer grinned "Why all of the sudden?~" Killer said as Nightmare rolled his singular pupil to the side, "Shut up.." Killer chuckled quietly as he caressed Nightmares cheek, Killer smiled as he pushed Nightmare against the door on his back, Nightmare flinched slightly "Killer no-" Killer grinned as he locked the door leaning closer to Nightmares face "Killer yes~" Nightmare glared at Killer as Killer just smiled, sliding his fingers down between Nightmares legs, Nightmare growled "Killer I swear..what if the other hears.." "Who cares~ let's have fun~" Killer said as Nightmare sighed, regretting his decision of kissing Killer.

Meanwhile with Error Dust and Horror- Dust was being bandaged by Error silently, Error sighed deeply as he was done wrapping Dusts knee, Horror eye socket opened as he saw Error, Horror sat up groaning as he rubbed his skull Error looked at Horror "G0Od m0rn1ng" Horror looked at Error and waved at him, Horror touched his cheek, feeling 2 bandages on his cheek and under his eye socket Horror sighed deeply as he looked at Dust, "Dust.. okay?" Error looked at Horror and nodded "H3's f!ne d0nt wOrr¥-" Error said as Dust eye sockets shot wide opened Error looked at Dust and screamed glitching intesenly, Dust sat up "what the f- OW-" Dust groaned as he looked down seeing the burning mark on his bone, Dust growled as Horror patted Dusts head, Dust grumbled in his scarf, Error sfhook his head looking at Dust blinking quickly as Dust looked at Error "wha-" Dust then was cut off from sounds from upstairs, Error froze and Horror raised his ehebrow clearly confused, there were sounds of- slamming and m0aning upstairs that were clearly.. loud 💀 Error teleported the 3 of them in the living room on the couch and blasted on the TV, loudly covering the sounds Dust slowly turned his head to Error "What.." "h@hA.." "WHO- WHAT." "M1gHt b3 k!lL3r @nD b0s-" "BRO THEY JUST MET AND NOW THEY'RE F#CKING-?!"



I left a little bit of- lemon 😀

(1594 words)

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