Killermare angst | Painful disease

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HEYY whatsup this will be short, my apologies for not posting for like.. 1 month? On Monday was my birthday, happy birthday to me :) anyway warnings are below.

disease (..)

Something snapped inside of nightmare.

It felt and sounded like a memory that has been recovered, it was weird and slightly upsetting.

Nightmare eyes lit up slightly, seeing the person right Infront of him crying. For him.

"Hey what's- wrong?"

Nightmare stopped mid sentence for a second, experiencing the feeling of confusion and guilt.

Killer cried, dropping to his knees, dust and horror rushed beside him, hugging him tightly and hushing Killer, trying to soothe him.

Nightmare raised his 'eyebrow' feeling confused, his hand reached out wanting to help the person Infront of him. Only to be stopped from Swad grabbing nightmares wrist, a clear fake-mocking smile spreading across his face.

"Let's get going darling, we don't want to waste our time on people we don't know"

Swad said with a tone dripping with sarcasm, nightmare eye flickered, thrashing his head side to side not knowing what to do. Either he follows his lover or help the person who he doesn't know

"Can I atleast help h-"


"Why are you suddenly being so stern?, you're always nice and kind.."

Nightmare murmured out, pulling his hand away from Swad's grip, swad gripped his hands trying to maintain himself as nightmare walked towards killer.

Nightmare knelt down Infront of him, bringing his hands on his face.

"Are you okay?, you seemed sad when I said I don't know you."


Killer lifted his head up slightly, meeting Nightmare's eye, nightmare's eye widened, seeing flowers growing out of the person's mouth.

"Hanahaki disease?.."

Torturing Love (Swadmare lemon + Killermare angst)Where stories live. Discover now