ranpo being a sassier Harry Potter

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It was a dark and stormy night, yet there lay 2 twins in a cradle, one peacefully sleeping through the storm, and the other staring at an intruder in there house. Said intruder was Voldemort, the dark Lord, he was about to cast the killing curse on the alert child, but the child suddenly gave him a... Thumbs down? And then traced a V on his cheek and pointed at his larger twin. This perplexed the evil Lord. Now the dark lord did what the boy wanted him to do, and he got a thumbs up before hearing the kid say his first words well pointing at himself, "Aveda Kedavra"
(I'm guessing y'all know what happens next)
Anyways, Lilly, her husband, and Dumblefuck arrive at the nursery, and Dumbledore declares the twin to Ranpo the Boy who lived, with Ranpo just smirking. "Gerinadle here just saved us from the dark lord! He shall require extra training however, because I can tell he will be back, we can't let the other twin interfere, we should send him to your sisters Lilly" Ranpo, however did not like this idea, and voiced his opinion "Fuck no" this surprised every adult in the room, because usually babies that are around a year old don't talk, but ya know Ranpo doesn't care about that. So (:
And that's how Ranpo got sent to his aunts house... Unwillingly of course.
Will do a part two just got an idea for a chat fic

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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