David-Goliath Uni, Part 1. Campus

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     Integrated colleges and universities, accepting both giant students and tiny human being students are gradually becoming more commonplace. At least in this particular "mini-realm", I won't bore you with the inter-dimensional hoopla. Sometimes closed-mindedness and fear of change kept public schools from enrolling both, others for legitimate safety concerned. Founded only two-hundred years ago, David-Goliath University was among the first to open itself up to undergrads of all sizes. Better known by its monikers DGU or D-Golly, David-Goliath University has always been known as a progressive, liberal institution. As a result, a large majority of Giant students applying and transferring to DGU are from liberal, all-inclusive families and households.

       Kara awoke in her bed to the gleaming overhead lights outside her window from the giant building's foyer. That humongous automatic light thousands of feet above Avery Hall's roof illuminating at 7:30am daily was their sunrise, indoors. Avery Hall, one of two human dormitories at DGU, looked like a brick dollhouse atop the padded marble pedestal housed inside what was essentially a cubbyhole in giant dorm. At one time the human dorms were outdoors, separate from their behemoth architecture counterparts. However, a number of incidents involving defacement, tiny hate crimes, graffiti and even kidnapping resulted in the school providing more security to the diminutive lodgings. By the time Kara arrived as a freshman the previous year, she felt secure and adverse to harm.

          If the light slicing through the cavernous lobby outside wasn't enough to wake Kara up, the wakeful thunderous stomps of her giant coed peers departing for class sure did. "This is why you don't see any humans at DGU with alarm clocks," sighed Kara into her pillowcase.

           Swinging her feet out from the bedsheets, Kara commenced with her Monday-Wednesday-Friday morning routine of showering, dressing and taking the human elevator out to the giant atrium floor before 8am. This elevator shaft, the breadth of a garden hose to giants ran down all three stories of the brick model structure of a human building, all the way down to the tiled ground floor beneath Avery Hall's pedestal. From there, Kara awaited the shuttle, chitchatting with other tiny human commuters. Luckily to accommodate for the size range of students and faculty, there were multiple ways to traverse D-Golly. On time, the toylike minibus ascended the narrow ramp into the Giant lobby and the battery-operated shuttle gathered the tiny students before the driver departed for the quad.

        In a tiny parking enclosure by a the rear of the student center, where the shuttle dropped off the tiny commuters, stood a fleet of tiny human vehicles for students to sign out. A bevy of motor scooters and bicycles dominated the garage. Today however, Kara opted to test her balance and endurance more by enlisting a hoverboard. See if the human volleyball program's helping my physique, she figured. Besides, hoverboards were speedier and she was late to meet Drake for their morning coffee. Under her feet the board hummed, fighting gravity as Kara rode down the pathway to the east side of campus, weaving between giant legs and backpacks as she went.

"Hey Kara!" a familiar voice called from off to left. Cory, a fellow minuscule human and Kara's anthropology project partner was pedaling a tiny bike. Cory waved to her, cordially before turning onto the adjacent pathway leading toward Blanchard Science Center. A giantess student turning onto the perpendicular wide footpath stepped over Cory's bike with her flip flop barely noticing him.

Kara's boyfriend, junior Drake Rolland lived in the frighteningly large Mercer Hall with two human roommates. Upperclassmen had option to room with other genders and sizes. What equaled out to a simple bedchamber to a giant was as good as a suite to some tinies. Stopping her hoverboard outside Mercer, Kara texted Drake she was out front rather than approach the front doors. Around 5o giant undergrads lived in this Olympian structure, the roof of which she could not see as it went skyward. Here babe ready for a pick me up, she messaged.

      A few minutes later after Drake gave a thumbs up emoji a familiar pair of yacht sized crocs joined the traffic jam of giant shoes. Drake approached her with his pearly, toothy smile, easily looking like a cloud from Kara's place at her heel. All 106 feet of her gigantic boo curved as he knelt and instinctively lowered his hand. "No thanks I'm riding the board today babe," Kara politely declined indicating her hoverboard. "Having you carry me on your shoulder and palm everywhere I'll be outta shape soon." They laughed.

     Sooner than Kara thought they were seated at the communal campus coffee shop called The Java Cauldron. There were small accommodating human seats up on platforms accessible by escalators but as usual Drake helped her up onto the armrest of a giant armchair when he sat down with his latte. Additional teeny human seats were carved into the armrests and headrests of these chairs and even little settees. Kara was able to comfortably enjoy her tiny boba tea, made by the usual little human barista set up on a designated table by the Java Cauldron entrance. Giant hands could not possible make drinks her size without overflowing them. Lips smiling around his straw at his little girlfriend, Drake asked following his sip "I have my night lecture tonight but do you want to go see that new sci-fi movie?"

        "Can't tonight," sighed Kara swinging her feet over his armrest. "After study hours tonight I have pledging at the Titaness house."

     "Right," grumbled Drake, distastefully. Awkward silence ensued as Drake chewed his muffin staring into space. This inter-size couple was weary of their debates on the topic.

           Tau Nu Nu, better known as Titaness house, was a historical sorority chapter at D-Golly. All sororities and frats had to integrate legally years before, so holdouts like the snotty girls at the Titaness house begrudgingly began to allow human girls to pledge. This year Kara had decided to come out of her shell a bit more and rush a sorority. Many urged her to lean toward either the exclusively human sororities, or the house options which were more accepting. However, Tau Tau Nu traced its founders back to Gaia herself. This was the legacy Kara aspired toward. Even if most of the giantesses in Tau Tau Nu didn't take kindly to having to accept human girls. When Drake had warned Kara that the Titanesses were known for hazing their human pledges especially harsh, he hadn't been incorrect.

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