Ghost Bride x [Name]

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This story will include the following,
- non-ranshakle [Name]
- Literally barely any of this is canon to the game event. I haven't played it, only watched a video on youtube of a persons what if they were in it video.
- Dialogue isn't even semi canon 💀 for the most part. STILL ARE SOME SPOILERS THOUGH!!
- Angsty?
- semi idia x reader but only like two sentences referencing that idea.

Missing Item

  At Night Raven Collage, there's a rumor that a princess who sought to marry someone lived 500 years ago in a now fallen kingdom. Having fallen during her years as a princess, she turned into what we know as a ghost bride.

There's been many over the years who've sought a significant other to marry. Being such a strong passionate wish, it causes them to stay in this world and continue roaming till they find the one for them.

Due to there being multiple similar cases, a ring was created to help vanish these souls to the afterlife. All you must do is put the ring on the bride's finger and speak a specific line and everything will be alright. 

Bring us to the current situation, that princess rumor isn't just a rumor, it's a fact. Every year, this princess and her fellow ghosts come to NRC and stay at ramshackle for a period of time looking for that special someone.

Her standards are quite a lot though so she never usually does. At least until today.

[Name] [Surname] is your average everyday student at NRC. They belong to the Ignihyde dorm. Going about their day as usual, they pass the headmasters office on their way to their next class.

That's when [Name] catches the sound of the ramshackle student duo Yuu and Grim's voices and..Ortho's?

This caught the attention of [Name], not usually being one to evesdrop, they were about to continue walking but something on their gut made them stop to listen.

"Hm, I guess Idia does fit her requirements." - Headmage

"We must save my brother Headmage! There has to be some way!" -Ortho

Distress was evident in Ortho's voice, that much was clear to [Name]. They wondered what Headmage meant by "her requirements" and then it hit. The ghost bride, they'd seen her around campus last year during their first year and had heard some rumors about her. She did seem quite beautiful.

"What's the big deal if Idia marries the ghost anyway?" - Grim

"His soul would depart from this world and become a ghost. I never would have thought someone would meet her requirements." - Headmage replied in a serious tone, one that was fairly rare to hear.

Having heard enough, [Name] decided to head to Sam to see if he had any idea on how to help Idia, after all, he was the most friendly staff member and probably would have at least some knowledge.


While on their way to Sam's shop, ghosts ran into [Name], telling them to leave the hallways as the a wedding was being prepared. [Name] tried to pass them but to no avail, they chased [Name] away to the outside of the school.

Other students were all scattered about, complaining about ghosts, having had similar experiences to [Name] it seemed.

Catching sight of the Headmage, they thought of asking about the ghost problem but decided not too, it seemed Headmage and all the pretty popular or important students were about to head to Sam's shop as well for information.

Having nothing else to do since classes were non-functional, they follow from a long distance behind the group.

Finally catching up, listening from the door, they overhear the last bit of the conversation.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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