Alan paused his music and said " wanna go to the club with me and my friends Tonight?" I looked at him and took air his airpod out of my ear and said " sure who's going?!" He replys " some of my homeboys and adolla , Amanda , and meche " I smile and say " if my girlys are gonna be thereeee yeahhh " he smiles and says " well I'll drop you off my mom needs me to do some stuff for her " I nod and finish my coffee and I start putting my laptop, notebook, pens , and highlighters in my backpack and I walk to the trash can to throw away my drink before we leave I order a water so I can drink something on the way . I watch Alan leave and I quickly follow him after . He gets his keys and presses the button to turn on the car I ran to the passenger side and I put my backpack on the floor between my legs and put on my seat belt Alan does the same I look at him before he leaves his parking spot " can I play a song?" He nods and gives me his phone I play a song that's been me and his favorite song for years " she " by Tyler the creator ft : childish gambino he looks at me and laughs and we both start singing while he leaves his parking spot and starts driving to my house. * 5 minutes later * he pulls in my driveway and I start to unbuckle my seatbelt I open the door and me and him do our handshake and I grab my bag from the floor. While getting out I say " text me the info bye Alan I love you " and I close the door I smile and wave while I see his car drive away I call adolla , and Amanda while unlocking my house door adolla answers and says " Hii y/n! You going to the club?" I smile and say " Hii boooo yesss wanna come over to change together?!" She turns off her camera and says " yess ofc " then that's when Amanda joins the all and says " hiii are you guys going?!" I say " yess ofc since my girlys will be there! Amanda come over!" I was still talking to them telling them what time we will meet up at that time it was 2:34 and we had to meet at Alan's house at 6:30 adolla was on her way while I was picking up the kitchen. I heard the doorbell and I put the broom away and opened it I saw adolla and I hugged her she immediately hugged me back. She had a bag and she looked at me and said " let's start getting ready! Amanda should be here in a bit!" I nod and start running upstairs to my room and I see adolla following me up she walks in my room after me and puts her back pack down she unzips her bag and says " here is my outfit!" She pulls out a dress and heels
The outfit ⬇️
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