Date? Chapter 4. ( long )

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When Alex asked me that question I didn't realize that it wasn't a dream. Wait ALEX ASKED ME OUT?! .. I need to tell Alan.. but wait what if he was mad.. AUGH. I should call him I grab my phone and I call him . He answers and hey says " what bitch " and I reply " damn hoe who got you mad "  " anyways wyd.." Alan replys and says " laying down wyd you look like a hot mess " I get nervous and I say " getting ready for a date .." and he gets up and says " A DATEE..?! Who's the fucking lucky mannsss " I laugh and I reply " idk I guess we will find out " he rolls his eyes and says " mm ok ok I see yuu " I finally ask the question and I say " would you be mad if I like dated 1 of your homeboys "  he looks at me and says " well I mean YEAHH likeee .. if you two break up I don't want to choose but why..??" I shake my head and I say " no reason .." he smiles and says " anyways " and we continue our conversation. But shit. Me Alex will probably be nothing serious right..? I shouldn't worry. It's just one little date I will never love Alex. I'm still talking to Alan and I start changing into a dress

the dress ::

And I put a cut jean jacket over it I hang up the phone with Alan and I start doing my copy and paste makeup

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And I put a cut jean jacket over it I hang up the phone with Alan and I start doing my copy and paste makeup . Me having my Delulu thoughts I start thinking. Why would he ask me this early? I only met him a couple of days ago . And since we have been so close. Hanging out everyday . We were growing a friendship . AUGH stop y/n. I need to stop doing these damn delulu thoughts . I need to play some peso pluma or something I play some music while I start doing me hair

My hair ::

I look at myself in my vanity mirror

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I look at myself in my vanity mirror . I smile and I adore my nails . YK I love my long nails . I'm a square shape girly. Sometimes coffin . But square it's just on top FRFR . I text my bsf Lilly asking if she wants to go live . She replys and says " yes girl " I go on tiktok and I join her live . I request and we just start talking. * 20 minutes later * I look at the time on my phone and I have 10 minutes left . Alex texted me and said " meet me at central cafe" like... I heart the message and he really dry . Is he this dry be for real... anyways I grab my purse and I tell Lilly I have to go and that I'll tel her the CHISME later ( CHISME means drama or like information) I spray perfume before I leave I look in the mirror one last time and I leave . I look around and my parents already left. Wtv don't get me started with them. I get my car keys and I start driving in my car ( the car can be wtv you want it to be ) I play some music while backing out of the driveway . And i start driving to the restaurant. * 15 minutes later * OK IK IM A LITTLE LATE . I hope he's not mad. I get out of my car and I walk into the front and I see him he looks up at me and he says " oh hey y/n!" And smiles wow .. he's not mad . Okkkk I see him little gentleman moment . I smile and I say " sorry I'm late alex! " he shakes his head and says " no nooo its ok! There's a 10 minute wait !" I smile and I say " oh well ok! " he walks up to me and side hugs me and I awkwardly hug him back . He looks at my nails and grabs my hand and says "your nails look nice . Omg girlyyy give me your nail lady's cardddd or wtv it's called." I laugh and I say " your soo dumb Alex. " and he replys " no actually I love them." I smile and look away smiling hard .

The nails ::

He pulls my face and says " cat got your tongue?" I smile and I say " dickhead " he laughs and says " what are you going to eat?" And I reply " pastaaa and breadsticks or is that too much " he smiles and says " no noooo well I'm going to get a ste...

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He pulls my face and says " cat got your tongue?" I smile and I say " dickhead " he laughs and says " what are you going to eat?" And I reply " pastaaa and breadsticks or is that too much " he smiles and says " no noooo well I'm going to get a steak you already KNOWW "" I laugh and I say " want to spilt the bill Orr.." now when I ask these questions on dates I find out if they are cheap asses or if they are gentleman's . He nods and says " I'll pay dw I got you ." Oh wow.. he wants to pay for meee ☺️ LOWKEY I'm folding 🤭 . AUGH I need to stop. Omg . Ok I'm calm . I nod and I say " I'll pay you back." And he shakes his head and says " noo no it's ok dw about it ." I nod and I smile and the host comes out and says " for Alex?? " he raises his hand a bit and he grabs hand and we walk in . I smile . Im folding . AUGH I need to stop . We get to our table and the date starts . * 45 minutes later * we are already and I had such a good time with him. He made me feel alive. I haven't felt like that in a long time. I could be myself around him. We walk out and he says " maybe another date?" I look at him and I say " maybe.." he comes closer to me and says " is that right..?" I nod and I say " mhm." He smiles and says " y/n would you want to go on another date with me ..?" And he grabs my face I look at him and I say " I don't know maybe if I like you enough pretty boy " and I play with his hair he looks at me and laughs . But he's looking at me with those eyes . YK what eyes . I break the ice and I say " I got to go I'm fucking tired . Wanna have coffee tomorrow?" He smiles and nods. " ofc y/n I would love to." I smile and I say " bye Alex!!!" He smiles while he watches me walk to me car .

Alex's pov ::

She's so fine right now . In that dress . I want her. AUGH. I need to be a rizz god and make the first move. So I did . She's so perfect . She sparkles . And her vanilla perfume is the best smell ever . I want her so bad . I want her to be mine . I want her to grow old with me . But maybe it's too soon?? I guess we will find out .

" girl.. your the 1 want your the 1 I need I'm begging you please." - Steve lacy infunami

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