Young lovers

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"Y/N get here! Let's take a picture!" The energetic girl of the class dragged Y/N into her arm putting it over her friend's shoulder raising the phone on mirror view to take a selfie photo with her friendship group made up of 4 of them.

"Cheese!" Y/N she said before being thrown off guard when all her other friends said something else together.

"Will you ever consider dating him?!" Her friends squealed in unison with a now confused Y/N who turned around at them with a confused frown.

"Why ask?" Y/N giggled with slight confusion to the sudden topic change being in regards to Him.


She tried to brush it off with not much awareness of her surroundings which resulted in her being forced to face what's behind her all along of a view of the youthful boy who seemed to have done himself up to seem more presentable to his crush who was oblivious to everything in that moment.

Witnessing his changed appearance that once was more nerdy and innocent, now representing a more bad boy kind of vibe to her.

She never thought he would take this sudden change. Unaware of his next steps to his transformation, she smiled at the sight of his new confident self unaware of his true intention of the situation before her.

Some classmates stayed in silence admiring the girl's reaction to the situation as she stood with admiration whilst a majority of those who bullied Nigari decided to continue their bullying behaviour  and spit towards the kneeling boy who only focused on one thing.


His arm was reached out, not far from her silouhette that stood shyly as he couldn't help but smile proudly at his new look's reaction.

She blushed at the sight of him before realising all eyes were on her and him. His left hand tightly holding a beautiful bouquet of white roses, her favourite flower before her as he slightly gets goosebumps in the moment.

"Niragi?" Her eyes widened with tears of joy trailing down her eyes before going doing to his level and hugging him tightly. She wanted to say no in fear of the bullying getting worse for him, but she decided to say yes for now. She was scared to love him incase of any issues occur because of this.

"OI! PISS BOY!!!" Engulfed in the hug, she could hear her moment being interupted by the jerks who find it funny to do the unthinkable to Niragi. She leaned to Niragi's ear and whispers.

"Ignore them, we can go to yours after." She smiled innocently before dragging him with her whilst pulling a middle finger towards the bullies.

"Thank you Suguru." She grinned the widest smile ever.

The last time she would smile as wide as she did.

Just two young loves sharing a moment that will forever be a memory that they loved to think back on.

The Polaroid photo that use to be kept within their school ID card holders showing both of them standing in front of the classroom's black board with her hugging the beautiful white flowers bouquet tightly to her chest as Niragi shyly put his hand on the further side of her shoulder posing proudly with her.

The Queen's Executioner (Niragi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now