Made to Shine - Shining Light - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

‘God commands us to forgive those that have wronged us. If we don’t forgive, are we living in God’s perfect will for our life? Instead of carrying hurt feelings with us, we should give our fears and frustrations to God and let him heal us. Then we can live in God’s perfect will for our life.’

Later that night, with his arm wrapped around Emily as they sat on the sofa of his parents family room, he told Emily about his meeting at lunch. At first he wasn’t going to tell her and ‘protect’ her from them, but then he realized that if he didn’t tell her it would be a secret they did not share and he did not want to give Mark and Tim that advantage. If Emily would have told him years ago about her encounter with them, then maybe they would not have been apart for so long.

Emily sat in silence as he told her what had happened. She was happy that he not only stood up for her, but he also stood up for their relationship. She wished years ago, when Mark and Tim confronted her, that she would have been that brave. Maybe things would have been different.

“This is sad, I mean, they were my friends a long time ago, but if I was to meet them today, we would have nothing in common. I wouldn’t want to hang out with them.”

“But Ben, you need to forgive them,” Emily said looking into his eyes with confidence and conviction. “Yes, what they did to sabotage our relationship was wrong, but I think we might be better off now because we’re more mature and allowing God to lead our relationship.”

“I know, and I’ve forgiven them in my heart. I had to pray a lot about it this afternoon after I left them. I just want you to know that no matter what, I love you and I did not want to keep this from you.”

They could hear Ben’s mom and Grandma in the kitchen laughing. Even though Mrs. Hayes was several years younger than Grandma, the two seemed to hit it off well. The weekly family night at the Hayes home had become a tradition over the past few months and Grandma looked forward to it as much as Ben and Emily.

“I need to talk to you about something,” Ben began, “Mom and Dad are happy to have me here, but with Becky moving into Brad’s apartment after the wedding and everything, I need to get my own place. I love being with my parents and this time has been great, but I really want some privacy too.”

“I can understand that. I mean, I’ve never lived alone, but I can understand that after you living alone for so long, now living with your parents can be so,” Emily searched for the right word, “intrusive.”

Ben smiled and said, “To say the least.” He continued, “well, we haven’t really talked about the future, but I see you in my life forever. And I know you don’t want to leave your Grandma. We need to figure out what to do here. I mean, can you see yourself eventually, staying in the same neighborhood, but not living with her?”

“Ben, as long as I can look after her, I don’t want her to feel abandoned if I ever leave the apartment.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t either. She is a very important part of your life, and mine for that matter. I just wanted to know if you would be open to the idea? And if you would help me look for an apartment?” Ben smiled and said, “and I would not use the word ‘IF’ but ‘WHEN’ would be more accurate.”

Smiling up at him, Emily said, “Sure, I would love to. But let’s wait until after this week, we are very busy at the bakery.”

Emily had hired Gwen, a student to work part time at the bakery, and although Gwen and Scott were doing everything they could to help, Emily had been feeling the pressure of the business and the sudden success crushing her. This week was too important for Becky, not to mention the other weddings they were creating original designs for. She had to get through this week and then she could relax a little, well at least until the June wedding season, she was already over booked every weekend in June.

“Em, you know it is OK to say ‘No’ to a client. You can only take on so much before it will wear you down.”

“I can’t say no. They are depending on me, and I don’t want to let them down. Besides, we have never turned a customer’s request down. It is not good business.”

“But, you can’t run yourself into the ground just because a client wants too much from you. Or because you have too many clients at once. Because, I depend on you too.” Emily nodded her head, but looked away. Ben turned her to face him, “Em, promise me you will set limits to what you can do and handle? And please, ask for help when you need it. From me, Scott, Annie, anyone that can help you. Promise?”

Emily had a worried look on her face, she bit her lower lip and after a few minutes she whispered, “I will try, that is all I can promise right now.”

“I love you.” Ben said as he pulled her close to his chest and kissed the top of her head.

“I love you too,” Emily replied as she knew nothing could ever be wrong when she was in his arms.

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