Ex Best Friends

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"No Chris I can't get you a bagel and bring it to you. I have art right now and I'm already running late because I grabbed the wrong assignment and it's due today" Dalton rushed down the hallway on his way to his art class. "Uuuuugh okay. I'll just leave my math class 5 minutes early to get one before I go to English. Yes ill do that." she said more to herself at the end. "Wanna hang out later? I can get us coffees." Dalton chuckled already knowing her answer since the coffee is something they both agreed sucks.

He exits the buildings front door. Not watching where he's going and in a rush he runs into someone. His cardboard tube that is holding his assignment for art falls to the ground along with his phone just as he heard Chris say "ewww not that nasty as..." "Shit" The word fly's out of his mouth. "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." He picks up his phone and puts it in his back pocket knowing Chris is on the phone but the least he thought he could do was help the person he ran into pick up their stuff.

"Its okay I wasn't watching where I was going either." He looks at the person the voice came from. Its a girl and a really pretty girl at that. She's wearing a t-shirt dress that hugged her body perfectly. Her hair was braided in French braids. Taking his phone out his pocket he says a quick 'ill call you later' before hanging up. "I'm sorry again. Here" he hands her, her notebook and text book. With a small 'its okay hun' she smiles at him and starts to walk off.

Thinking of taking a chance he stops her. "Can I give you my number? I think your really pretty and I was thinking maybe if you wanna get something to drink sometime?" he asks her even though he knows hes running late. Hey hes been on campus for a month already and this is the first time hes ever seen her so he wasn't sure when he'd see her again. "Ugh.. Sure your cute so I don't see why not." she handed him her phone with a smile.

He gave it back while telling her sorry and that he was kind of in a rush. "wait what's your name!!" she yelled at the boy who seemed oddly familiar to her. "Dalton!" he yelled back and her smile dropped from her face. As the boy turned away going about his day she looked down at the number in her phone saving it under 'Asshole' before continuing on her way to her destination. Her bed.

Dalton show's up to class late and sure heard about it from his teacher. By the end of class he meet up with Chris walking back to the building. "what did you say her name was?" she asked him "I didnt get her name actually. I had to get to art but I gave her my number and name." he shrugged. "was she cute?" "oh yeah.. She kind of reminds me of someone" He smiled at the thought of the girl he ran into earlier. "who?" Chris questions "I don't know I cant really put my finger on it."

(time skip)

A week went by and Dalton never heard from the girl. He would be lying if he said it didn't bother him a little. He was sure she was interested. Not letting it get him down he decided to go get a snack at the basement of his building. Since they vending machines, snacks, microwaves, and other things like that down there.

Turning the last corner at the bottom of the stairs something hit his chest and felt a few stings on his arms. "Oh fuck! Oooh shit that's hot." Its the girl he ran into a week ago. She pulled her big T-shirt over her head leaving her in her sports bra knowing that people have gotten 3rd-degree burns before. Dalton's eyes widen at that but sees the spilled cup of noodles on the floor.

"I'm sooo sorry! I really am" "Do you ever watch where your walking?!" she asked angrily when she noticed who it was. Dalton noticed she was just standing in her sports bra and his face turned a light red when he could clearly tell just from glancing that she had them pierced. "I'm sorry. Here" he pulled his shirt off without a second thought giving it to the girl. Hesitating at first before taking it and pulling it over her head.

"We have got to stop meeting like this" Dalton joked trying to get the girl to crack a smile. She did. Not at first wanting to be mad at the boy in front of her but she couldn't. She never could. But she smiled at the boy. "What's your dorm number so I can get this shirt back to you as soon as I wash it," Dalton told her his room number and she nodded a little disappointed that she was on the same floor as him.

Her plan of avoiding him gonna be hard. Maybe a week was easy but a year was not gonna be. "Can I get you a new cup of noodles?" Dalton asked but she shook her head. "No being burned kind of messed up my appetite" deciding to bring up what was bothering him. "Soooo I haven't heard from you" "Oh...Ummm about that. I dont think this is gonna work..." "Wha..." "You're just not someone I want in or around my life, I hope you understand," She said the words that hunted her for years.

"Bye Dalton" She walked to the stairs not looking back at him and turned the corner. It wasnt till she turned the corner that it hit him. Hard. The memory comes in like a flashback. Blinding his vision of everything in the present time.

15 year old Dalton sat with his best friend Erin. "This is nice. We haven't hung out in a while since you started hanging out with the cooler people in school." Erin pointed out to Dalton. "Wanna go to the play with me?... Dalton?" she asked with a smile when he didnt say anything. "No Erin that's lame." her smile fell "I'm not into the plays either Dalton but I worked hard on the stage set up I just want to see it get used at least once," she said. "I can't the play is at school," he said. "So? What you can't be seen with me at school?" "No!" he tried to explain "Then what Dalton? It's either you can't or won't!" Erin's heart felt like it was beating out of her chest.

"I dont think this is gonna work!" Dalton said referring to their friendship. Dalton was getting irritated that Erin wouldn't just take the hint and is making him say it. Erin can feel her heart breaking. "you're not someone I want in or around my life!" Erin's eyes filled with tears. Watching this was making his heart feel heavy. Dalton's hand came up to wipe her tears and comfort her like he had many times before in their friendship. She slapped his hand away from her getting up and leaving. Not before saying "I hate you" to Dalton.

Dalton went back to his room his head spinning that his ex best friend was there and he didnt even recognize her. He felt stuck wanting nothing more than to apologize. He's been wanting to for so long but he never did. He knew he wasnt a kid anymore and it was time to be a man and make it up to you. But how?


(Still figuring out part 4 for Sorority Girl so for now. Heres a different one! Hope you enjoy) - BunnyB <3

Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now