Pumpkin Eater

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"One pumpkin pie for the beautiful lady." "Awww Thanks, Mike!" "No problem y/n. Have a great day!" Y/n waved bye to Mike before leaving the shop with a slice of pumpkin pie for Dalton. He was having a hard time right now because he wanted to go home for Thanksgiving but knew that his parents couldnt fly him back. They planned to fly him home at the end of the semester for Winter break. Y/n wanted to cheer him up even though he told her that he didnt want company right now.

She would also be lying if she said she didn't miss her boyfriend because she did. Y/n really felt like he was being distant. So with the pie slice in one hand, she walked back to her dorm to get an envelope that held another surprise for Dalton. On her way up to his dorm she passed by a group of girls but was stopped by her roommate. "Oh hey Lisa" y/n smiled at her but she didn't smile back. "Hey, I actually need to talk to you." "Lisa what are you doing," one of the girls asked. "Yeah Lisa it's not our business," another said.

Y/n was confused "What's going on Lisa" She looked back and forth between Lisa and the girls. "She's my roommate so don't you tell me what is, is not my business," Lisa said and waved them off to give the two girls privacy. Looking back at y/n "Have you talked to Dalton?" "Yeah.... I mean kinda he's been busy and stressed out lately. Thats why I got him pumpkin pie." holding up the pie smiling at Lisa but she didn't smile back. "you're going right now?" y/n only nodded. "Oh, honey. Come here" she pulled her into a hug.

"Lisa? What's going on?" she wasnt smiling anymore. "What going on is Daltons a piece of shit" Y/n pushed Lisa away not liking the way she was talking about the boy she loved. "He's cheating on you y/n and everyone knows." "That's not funny Lisa" "Good because I'm not trying to be." y/n couldnt believe it. Shaking her head. "you're lying!" she left up the stairs ignoring the sad look Lisa was giving her. Y/n couldn't believe it but the more she thought about it the more she felt her heartbeat speed up and by the time she was on his floor she was speed walking nearly running to his dorm.

'He wouldn't!' she tried to tell herself but the feeling in her stomach wouldn't go away. Finally reaching his door she stopped before it. Hand shaking she reached for the handle slowly turning it. Pushing the door open the light was off and she could kind of see the outline of a sleeping Dalton. Y/n let out the breath she was holding and put a hand to her heart that was beating out of her chest. She stepped in closing the door behind her and walking to his desk.

Turning on his desk lamp to light up more of the room. Turning around she felt her heart drop seeing him asleep with a girl. A topless girl laying with a bare chest Dalton under the blankets she once laid under just like that. "what the fuck" she whispered to herself till she looked down to see the condom wrapper. "WHAT! THE! FUCK Dalton!" she yelled startling Dalton and the girl awake. "What the fuck Dalton! What the absolute fuck. Who even is she." He stood up in his boxers half asleep "Y/n? Baby, what are you doing here?"

"Fuck you Dalton!" he saw the girl he had been sleeping with getting ready and realized you caught him. His heart dropped to his ass. "Baby I'm sorry. I really am" "So am I" With that y/n slapped him in the face with the plate of pie. "I can't believe I was gonna surprise you with a 2-way ticket for Thanksgiving so you could go home with me and see your family!" Dalton's heart dropped at what you did for him. He felt like shit. "Please baby give me another chance. It will never happen again! I promise!" "I know it won't because we're done. Have fun being stuck here asshole" Y/n was seething with anger she left to go back to her dorm.

It wasn't till she was in her room did she allow herself to break down while she started packing to go home. She needed to get as far away from him as she can. Dalton got dressed and cleaned off the pie before running downstairs to talk to y/n. 'What have I done. She bought me a ticket home and I cheated on her.' Dalton thought. He stopped in front of her door debating on knocking or not. Knowing she wouldn't answer to him he walked in. "Oh my uuugh get out! I dont want to see you!" "I wanna apologize! y/n I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." " I think I have a good idea of what you were thinking" Dalton looked at the girl in front of him. His heart felt heavy for the tears he caused.

"Please baby I don't want to lose you. Give me another chance please I'll do anything to make it up to you" Tried to hold her face in his hand. Removing his hands "Dont touch me Dalton. You lost me the second you started thinking about another girl." Walking past him she went to her door holding it open. "now get out I have to pack." Dalton's heart broke when he noticed that she wouldnt even look at him. "Please think about it. I'll do anything" Rolling her eyes y/n said "Fine I'll think about it. But while I'm at home and you're here." with that she closed the door in his face. 'He's out of his mind if he thinks I'm getting back with him' she thought.



(Sorry I know its been a minute! I got stuff going on but please believe I have been writing!!!)

- BunnyB <3

*Yeah Mike made it into this story toooooo Hes such a flirt!!

Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now