Part 25

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Roc Pov- ayoo maa can u watch the kids tonight I want to go to the club, you know get out the house.

Roc ma- you just got the kids to yourself and u already tryna go out and have fun?

roc- just for tonight & ill come get them in the morning.

roc ma-how come that little girlfriend of yours cant watch them?

roc- i dont trust her around them.

roc ma- I love my grand babies so you know ill watch them anytime I need to, go have fun but not to much fun.

Roc- thanks ma ill be bacc tomorrow keep them safe. i love you *kiss her forehead*

just as Roc left out the house he got a call from Ray

Ray~ are u ready because me Prod and prince on our way to your house

roc~ yeah im ready but ill be there inn 10 mins i just left moms .

ray~tell moms i said wassup

roc~ im already gone yo.

ray~alright just be waiting outside broooo.

roc~fashoo bye *hang up*

~30 mins later~

Yn Pov- This club is going up ! Oh wait this my shit

yn~ rich gang Blat blat , blat , blat , bla-blat

Woo! Know what I'm sayin'?

(Lil' whoadie 'bout that action)

Get money, fuck hoes

(Lil' whoadie 'bout that action)

Action, cash

(Lil' whoadie 'bout that action)

(Lil' whoadie 'bout that action)

Nigga playin' with my whoadie, I'ma ride

She say that that pussy wet so I'ma slide

She pull up and fuck the crew like she connivin'

Hey, Imma cum all over her body

Imani- ayyye i hear u Yn

??- lil mama can rap lmfao

??- i guess u can say that but im finna find me a shaawty to dance with , im out

??- bye roc , you on your own lmao

roc- bye prince & prod still with me .. right Prod *look to the side* nvm ....

Roc pov- Countdown By E 40 & 2 Chainz came on so i went on the floor and found a girl with a big ass booty and I started dancing with her . She was getting it , I got horny asf .

In the middle of the song she turned around to say something & it was yn. She was finna open her mouth & i kissed her. Something told me to run because she was finna slap me but she didn't , she kissed me bacc.

yn Pov- i was dancing with somebody & They got horny so i turned around to say something & it had to be roc . I was finna talk and he kissed me , he tensed up a lil but i kissed bacc.

Roc- Fucc yn , i missed you I(GCO)

yn- *kiss roc again*

Roc-I thought u was finna whoop my ass once I kissed you.

yn-no lol i felt you tense up.

Roc- I uh i miss you & can u please let me make it up to u pleease like i promise i wont cheat , ill come home every night on time , ill do whatever you want just let me make it up to you . how about a date tomorrow night at 8 ?

you- sure but you better not be late picking me up.

Roc- alright

you- were are the boys ?

roc- my moms house

??- aye Roc remember me fucc boy !

roc- *turn around* who are u nigga

??- flyyboi.tyler from instagram

roc- oooo yeah i remember you , from highschool . you used to be my bro , but you a lil bitch like the rest of yo niggas .

Tyler- lets take this outside like men .

Roc- iight meet me in the front in 5 mins

Roc POV- I went to find Ray , Prod & prince cause this nigga might try to jump me

ray- where we going ?

Roc- fucc boy ass tyler tryna fight so i told him to meet me in the front of the club .

??- not without me

Roc- ayee wess good Lucas ?

Lucas- nun living life , so who we fighting ?

Prod- tyler .

Lucas- ooo the bitch nigga fashoo . btw this is my girl Destiny .

Destiny- Hii you guys

Ray,Prod,Prince- hi

Roc- my girl yn is over there can u go get her & tell her to meet me in the front


-yn and Destiny-

Destiny- Hi Yn ?

you- yeah do i know you ?

Destiny- no but im Lucas girl & Roc told me to tell you to meet them in the front he finna fight.

you- nice meeting you & lets go *grab her hand*

Your Pov- Imani & hope left me cause they saw me with Roc lol They some fools


Roc- i knew yo scary ass was gonna try to jump me

Tyler- I didnt come out here to fight *pull out a gun*

Roc- am i supposed to be scared ? i got shot before & you dont scare me , pull the trigger BITCH

Ray- yo Roc no , just walk away .

TYler- if u walk away you'll be known as a bitch

Roc- im not gone walk away , shoot me !





Yn&Roc run .

Roc- yn why would u jump infront of me like that

you- because i love you Chresanto

Lucas- thats good you ok tho *hug you*

you- yup im ok lets go home y'all

Prince- Lucas what is all that red stuff on your shirt ?

Lucas- idk i wasnt shot or nothing .

You- *coughing up blood*

Ray- We gotta get her to a hospital ! LETS GO



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