Part 35

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Talking to Imani

You- What? wow. When Did you find out?

Imani- A couple of days ago, I never knew.

You- What stage?

Imani- Stage 1 they caught it early.

You- What kind is it?

Imani- Stomach

You- I can get Drake to put the tour on hold. Does any one else know about you?

Imani- No just you, I dont want to tell Ray, what if he leaves me?

You- He's not, but you have to tell him.

Imani- ....ok, but please dont put the tour on hold. I want you to still perform

Yn fell asleep in Imani's hotel, but she had to get up early because she had a dress rehearsal for her next concert which was in a few hours

Yn talking to drake

You- I dont understand why dress rehearsal is the day of the concert, y'all do things stupid.

Drake- Maybe because you decided to throw a party last night, if you have a problem with this then feel free to go enjoy the rest of your day.

You- Where's my outfit im supposed to be wearing tonight?

Sandra- We messed up a little bit on the shorts so we sent them to get fixed.

You- Wym? I perform in 2 hours. Not 4, 2. So what do you expect me to wear?

Sandra- Yn im sorry, i should have let you known earlier.

You- I bet you are sorry. Next time have a second outfit. Im leaving early so i can go find my own outfit.

Drake- Sandra I thought I told you to have an outfit ready.

Sandra- I know, I forgot. Ive been busy with all this concert stuff, I never have free time.

You- Drake you need to talk to Imani.

Drake- Wym?

You- Ima let her tell you, I gotta go GET ME A NEW OUTFIT.

Sandra- Yn, August just called & he said they are finished with the outfit. He's on his way back

You- why is august doing it?

Drake- he's my new Assistant

You- Mmm oh really? Well that means I have to see him more.

Drake- You got that right, but the show starts in exactly 90 minutes and they are letting everyone in.

Sandra- Yn lets go, Michelle is ready to do your hair and makeup.

You- Ima wait until I put on my outfit.

Sandra- Ok Ok thats fine with me, But you have 2 visitors waiting for you in the dressing room *smile*

You- really? Ill go check, can you send August back there when he gets here please?

Sandra- Of course, Now go handle your business

You- Im sorry about the way I was speaking to you earlier.

Sandra- Its fine Yn, Im still living so im good ma.

You- Thank you so much. *Walk into the dressin room*

You- Omg! Kamari and Imani *hug them*

Imani- Your baby boy and I came to support you.

You- How are you feeling?

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