Chapter 35: Bouquet of Corals

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🪸Bouquet of Corals💐


Night came and the only thing on my mind is this liking crisis...and a lot of school works that I anticipate when we get back. I never wondered that liking someone would be this annoying and hard and confusing and threatening. I've only liked people that is fictional or not fictional but popular. Also, the only situation I felt this is when I hid myself from my parents. This might be harder than coming out, though.

I closed my eyes, not attending to the presence of Rijo on the opposite side of the room. I hope I'll dream something better this time. Once, I dreamt a very familiar school scenario right before I woke up with a hangover. I don't remember it happening though.

The sound of a notification took me out of focus. I woke up having a heavy weight on my head. I woke up with dry eyes; almost felt having siren eyes. Then I realized I was in a dream. I might've slept overly thinking. Well, it kind of looks like I'm dreaming but was rather vivid. The ceiling greeted me with a monotonous morning. I turned my head to the side and reached for my phone. It felt like I knew the context of this dream and kept going with it.

[ "Good morning sleeping boy-eauty" ]

My eyes narrowed because of the brightness, crinkling my nose after seeing the text. But that sour expression became sweet after seeing the sender.

Berhan sent you a message. 

My whole system woke up in an instant. I stood up from hitting the hay and held my phone while I was still covered in a sheet. My hands became frenetic as if they don't know what to do.

[ "👍" ]

[ "Good morniiing" ]

My thumb accidentally pressed the like button. Regret swallowed me in an instant. I tried deleting the like emoji but my fingers seemed to slip every time I tap—it might be because my hands are getting sweaty. I already saw him writing a message. 

[ "What's with the like emoji?" ]

[ "👍" ]

[ "There, I like you too." ]

My eyes blinked blankly trying to comprehend his text. After a few seconds of contemplating, my mind was still in awe. I quickly reached for my glasses above the counter table and returned.

Somewhere beneath my mind is fear.

This is the time when my feelings became clear, clearer than any crystal: I have been crushing on Berhan for about a year now. However, I treated it as admiration.

Berhan was smart, kind, friendly, easy to approach, doesn't make you out of place or left out, and cared about people even with those he was not close with. Well, handsome was already a given.

I may not understand my feelings—maybe I was just acting and feeling like this because I know that I was attracted to men—but one thing was for sure, I felt good whenever I'm with Berhan.

[ "Ok" ] I texted in a dull way fiercely hiding and withholding the butterflies.

I stumbled off the bed. My blanket was still covering the entire me as I walk around my room, waiting for something to happen on my phone.

[ "I'm just joking😂😂😂" ]

[ "I just want to tell you that I'm otw to your house rn." ]

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