Chapter 6

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Prapai's POV

It's been two days since I saw Sky last time. He didn't came to college for two days. I got worried and called him to ask if he's ok then he said he doesn't have any important classes and want to laze around. Sky missing his classes, It didn't sit well to me then I thought Rain is also not here as he went to Korea he'll become bored. So I let it go and thought it'd be good for me too to gather my thoughts. So I didn't meet Sky.

But now I don't know what am I doing here. Saifah dragged me to this stupid event in college. Nothing seems to be interesting to me. I miss my Sky....

" What's with that face??? Why are you so grumpy?? " Saifah asked me sitting beside me

" It's because of you!! Why did you drag me here?? "

" You are behaving like a crazy person from the last two days what can I do?? I was worried "

" I am just resting in my condo "

" Resting?? More like a ghost who haunted his own house. Now tell me what's wrong what is going in that good for nothing brain of yours " I shouldn't have let him inside my room

" Nothing " I denied and took a drink

" Is it because of Sky???" I choked on the drink and gave him a surprising look

" So it is Sky. That boy isn't leaving your thoughts " he knows everything

" How do you know??"

" You are easy to read Pai. And also you realised it late but I had a doubt when you can't stop talking about Sky before we met. But after meeting sky and seeing your bond I confirmed you have feelings for him it's just you dumb head didn't get it "

" I still don't know what I am feeling Fah.... I never felt like this before. Everything was going well until...."

" Until Sky changed his look, right. I always knew he was a hidden beauty. I could see what was it that was pulling you towards him "

" That's the problem Fah! I think I am just physically attracted to him and Sky isn't someone I could play with. He's is sky... what if I lose him because of my stupidity "

" Pai listen to me. You are not someone who would just save a random boy and then take care of him for years claiming him as your friend. Just tell me one thing Pai why do you call him as your sky?? " I am thinking why I always call him my sky

" I don't know....I just like calling him like that "

" Ok so you are saying that you are just physically attracted to Sky right. Now close your eyes think and try to remember what was it that brought you no here. There should be atleast one moment where you think of sky different "

I took breath and closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes I can hear and see Sky calling me scolding me sometimes. Cooking for me and laughing with me. There were so many moments of us. But then....

I opened the door of a club. As I entered the first thing I saw was a beautiful boy who is sitting with his friends and laughing. I stood there and staring at that boy he looked so cute and innocent. Then he looked at me. My heart skipped several beats when those honey colored eyes locked with mine. I quickly looked away and took a seat where I can see him. I couldn't focus on anything but him he got my all attention. I never saw such beautiful eyes in my life.

I saw him drinking continuously. His friends were already passed out he got tipsy. I got a call so I went outside. When I came back my blood boiled seeing some fucking asshole was forcing him. I quickly went and saved the boy from that bastard. I made him sit and gave water to drink. He did. I said I'll drop him home as it's not safe to go alone. He agreed and I asked him his name. He replied Sky... what a beautiful name....I said mine and dropped him at his home. I was correct when I thought he looked young for the club. I got to know that he lives alone far from his family. So I took his number and asked him to be my friend. He shyly accepted. He's so adorable......

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