Chapter 16

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Venice got worried about Sky. He don't want Sky to get any panic attacks or nightmares when he's not getting them too often like they used to. He knows the word beach effects Sky so much. He came up with an idea to keep Sky distracted with headphones which shuts the outside world when he travels in the car. But everytime he tries,  they tries to go to beach to fight with his fear, Sky got more and more devastated. He says the beach is trying to take everything from him, the beach is laughing at his misery and he's coming to swallow him. After a few attempts Sky clearly said he will not go to beach ever.

He rushed to their room to check on Sky. He slowly opened the door, he heard Sky is talking with his psychiatric on video call. Venice sighed in relief. He smiled when he remembered about his fight with Sky regarding therapy sessions. Sky denied to take them when he's in Thailand but Venice wasn't going to compromise because Sky needs therapy. He's getting better only because of them even he often have nightmares but can able to live and communicate in the world.

" So.... you met him? The one you loved..."   Venice who was going to close the door stopped when he heard psychiatrist

" Hmm....I met him.... hugged him...talked to him "

" How was he?? I mean does he looked different or..."

" Handsome as always....a very matured adult with all suits and lots of responsibilities on his shoulders. He's a big man with a different aura around him. He looked so fine in those suits like they were only made for him....."

" What was his reaction when he saw you?? " Sky smiled

" He didn't believe I was infront of him. He asked others if they can see me. How silly. He asked me if he can hug me. When I gave him permission he hugged me like his life depends on it. He cried. So many emotions were flowing through his eyes. I felt like he was the same person he used to be years ago. He didn't hide his feelings. I saw the same sincerity and affection in his eyes he had when we were together "

" That's tell me how you felt meeting him "

" Me?? It was all opposite to what I thought I'd be when I'll see him again. I thought I'd hate him, confront him never let him near me but..... I got melted in those eyes which were holding so much affection for me. I could only think of our best moments. When he took me in his embrace I felt like that possible Aleena?? How can I not hate him after everything that had happened?? I didn't feel a little bit of uncomfortable around him. It's like nothing has ever happened between us. We were that normal with eachother. How can that possible?? How can I feel so relaxed with him??? "

" Sky.... being able to find someone you click with naturally is the best feeling ever. You feel like you've been best friends your whole life, it feels like you're coming home. You're so comfortable with them. Maybe that's what a soulmate is. Not someone who shares every single thing in common with you but someone who feels like home. He's that person for you. He's your soulmate....."

" Then why are we like this Aleena?? If we're soulmates why is he not here with me?? Why did he make me suffer all these years?? Why didn't he ever told me his feelings for me?? "

" Did you try talked to him?? No right...I suggest you to talk to him, to ask him every single thing you wanted to ask. I know it's not easy but you've to try for yourself. And..... after listening to his reaction on meeting you, I don't know why I am getting this feeling that maybe he was also suffering.... maybe there's a chance of misunderstanding. You both never talked about it technically. So please talk to him. Just let it all out. You'll feel better after that "

" I don't think I can do that....but I'll try...."

" Good. Now tell me what else are you doing there.... Are you getting bored?? You want to come back.....I guess no, you seem to be in good mood now a days. What's the reason?? "

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