Chapter 56-60

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Chapter 56

Everyone rejoiced that the bear was finally killed, with some people jumping on the ruins, while others ran to the bear's claws and kicked wildly.

"Everyone, spread out!" Song Juyao suddenly roared.

A piece of ruins exploded, and the huge monster stood up suddenly, grabbing the nearest person, opening its mouth frantically, and biting them.


A crisp sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed echoed, and a stern cold light flashed as a long knife plunged into the bear's body fiercely.

The bear froze.

Everyone's eyes widened.

In front of the bear, resembling a hill, stood a slender and beautiful girl. She held the long knife that was brought to the island and unsheathed for the first time. Her eyes were sharp, and her aura was compelling.

Immediately, she neatly pulled out the long knife, and the sharp blade flicked in the air. The red blood fell from the blade, and everyone's hearts trembled with sympathy.

The bear slapped and fell to the ground, kicking up a cloud of smoke and dust, and finally stopped moving. With the impact of the explosion and the cement's destruction, the bear was already at the end of its strength, but it could have brought another person to hell if Song Juyao hadn't acted in time.

"This... this time, I should really die." The others felt lingering fears, and the ecstasy they had before had almost vanished.

"Dead." Song Juyao moved her ankle, frowned, took the handkerchief handed over by Evans, wiped off the blood on the knife, and put it back into the sheath.

"Yo, sister Yao..." The person who spoke was five or six years older than Song Juyao, and he respectfully asked the question that the audience was curious about: "Are you some kind of martial arts master?"

Her posture and momentum were so impressive that people immediately thought of martial arts vocabulary, such as flying over the roof and walking on the wall, chivalrous and courageous.

Song Juyao was taken aback, smiled, and shook her head, "I wish I were. I bought this from a master. I've only been practicing how to draw a knife and sheath it handsomely for half a month."

Being prepared for danger in times of peace, and after realizing that she had almost mastered the skills of survival in the wild, she was already planning for the next issue. But for now, it's just a plan. Concentrating on in-depth study is not something to do in this period.

"So that's how it was! It was really impressive just now!"

"Sister Yao knows so many things!"

Walking around Song Juyao, people already looked subdued.

Wen Yingting walked over with a pale face, "Ju Yao... Mommy..."

The joyous atmosphere fell silent.

Song Juyao shook her head: "I was one step too late; the bear had already bitten her by the time I arrived."

Everyone had witnessed the terrifying bite force of a bear, and Song Juyao didn't have to run to save people. She went to rescue people in danger, and was chased by a bear to the balcony. Everyone saw it, so even if she couldn't save them, the Wen family should still be grateful.

Wen Zhulian covered her face and burst into tears: "It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, my mother wouldn't... I should die..."

Wen Yingting was not in the mood to comfort her at all. He stared blankly at the pair of ruins with red eyes. It was very difficult to find the corpse in such a large ruin.

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