Fulton Reed

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Y/n's Pov-
I walked into the cafeteria trying to find my friend's meg as she texted me to meet her here I looked around and couldn't find her so I pulled out my phone and texted her.


Hey where are you I'm at
the cafeteria and I can't
see you anywhere?

                   Hey yea sorry my teacher
                   held me back bcs I kept
                  daydreaming I'll be there
                  in like ten minutes alright


Yea okay just when your
aloud to leave get here as
soon as possible alright I
look like I have no friends
standing here all alone😭

                     Yeah yeah alrighty I
                    gotta go or I'm gonna get
                   caught and then I might
                   be held back even longer
                  see ya in a minute love ya


Okay love ya

I looked up from my phone and looked for and empty table for me and meg I saw one and started to walk towards it unfortunately I had to pass by the varsity hockey team I tried to go straight pass them hoping to go unnoticed but of course luck wasn't on my side "y/n! Baby why don't you come sit with us!" Rick aka the biggest douche bag in the whole school stopped me by blocking my path "Oh please I'd rather die get resurrected and then die again before I ever sit with you and your little goons alright dick" . I pushed past him walking to the empty table but of course he didn't get the hint he grabbed my upper arm tightly "now y/n you know I don't take kindly to your little insults not stop acting like a little bitch and sit down" I hissed as his hand gripped on my arm even tighter "let go of me asshole!" I shouted at him causing everyone to look over at us including the new students aka the ducks . He tried to pull me towards his table but I pushed him away far enough to get some space between us he started to walk towards me again "don't make me do something I don't want to y/n" his voice got deeper as he tried to intimidate me "Fuck off Riley leave the girl alone" one of the new guys said I think his name was Fulton Reed he got between me and Rick as he got up and pulled me behind him by my waist "piss off Reed this isn't any of your business" Rick pushed him making me grab onto the back of Fulton "yeah well it is now" he pushed rick back and ricks goons all stood up as did all of the ducks ready to fight at any moment but before anything could happen a couple of teachers came in and separated everyone " Fulton Reed detention after school" one of the teachers said as the varsity all looked over at us smugly "what that's not fair all he was doing was defending me against those dickheads" I shouted at them shocking everyone in the room as no one has ever shouted at the teachers before let alone cursed at them "Y/N L/N! if your so keen of defending this young man them I'm sure you can join him in detention as well" the teacher walked away as he left through the doors. 'fuck' I whispered under my breath my parent are gonna kill me . I looked at Fulton as he was still standing Infront of me "thank you by the way for defending me" I smiled at him and he just smiled back "no problem he was being a total dick" I was about to reply when my phone buzzed I looked at it and saw a text from meg abt meeting her in the library as she was already next to it I texted a quick okay and looked back up at Fulton " I gotta go but thanks again" I kissed his cheek and headed out the cafeteria.

Third person pov-

Fulton put a hand in his cheek as he watched the girl leave "your welcome" he said to nobody "Come on Fulton were gonna head to the ice rink " he heard Charlie shout at him and he quickly walked over to them his mind still on the cute girl from a few minutes ago.

Words- 735

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