chapter 5

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while we were resting, i was bandages Rex arm and i heard Rex say Ouch!. I'm sorry, did I wrap it too tightly? i asked, It's fine! I'm fine! See? I can swing it like this and it doesn't even- Owowow! Ugh! said Rex as he hurt his right arm.

I knew it i said, Thanks I feel much better now said Rex, I'm sure that's Nia's poultice doing its job. Thanks i said as Nia give us a peace sign.

(play it)

Rex saw me trying to bandages my right arm, Pyra, you're hurt too? Are you OK? asked Rex. I'm fine, It's just a scratch i said, hey, let me help said Rex as he help with the bandages, thank you, Rex i said.

No worries, least I can do. There, all done! How's That? asked Rex. Looks good. Um, Rex? Look. They're the same i said, Ho, uh, yeah, I guess they are said Rex as we watch the star. So beautiful i said, Yeah, it really is said Rex.

I guess that's probably because you made it, Pyra... said Rex, Huh? i said, Ahh! No, what? I didn't mean it like that! You're just, erm, really good at making fires... That's all said Rex. It's what i do i said as i make a little fire in my hand and blow it away.

(in the morning)

What is that? asked Tora, a cloud sea compass, a must-have for salvagers. It's sort of a map of the cloud sea, If you do this... and this... What's the date today? asked Rex. Um... Amathatober 5th, 4058 i said.

OK! So now we put the date in... See? asked Rex as he show us the compass, this is very clever said Tora. Looks like Gormott is the closest country to the world tree right now said Gramps, all we need is a ship... said Rex.

The army has every ship in town its grip said Dromarch, we're kinda stuck... said Nia. Seems that way i said as Rex look at Gramps, sorry I'm no use now... said Gramps. I know, i know, but i'm all out of ideas said Rex.

Rex-Rex need ship? Tora have good idea! said Tora, you do? asked Rex. There is ship builder living at Gormott Titan's bum-bum! Old friend of Tora's Grampypon, he called Umon! Maybe he help if we tell him what's what! said Tora.

Sure, it's worth a shot! Let's get going, Hey Tora... The place where this Umon guys lives isn't affected by the cloud sea tides, is it? asked Rex. Hmm? Why Rex-Rex ask? asked Tora, well, I noticed the cloud sea's been pretty low ever since we went off to save Nia. It's still low now, right? asked Rex.

I was worrying that depending on the situation, we might be forced to find a different route said Rex. Rex has a point, the cloud sea tides can have a marked effect on the areas you are able to traverse said Gramps.

Somethimes the cloud sea may allow you to swim to places that were once out of reach... But equally it can submerge previously reachable areas, halting your progress said Gramps. Exactly, so i was wondering whether we need to worry about any of that where we're going now said Rex.

That make sense! But is no problem, path to shipyard of Umon not affected by cloud sea at all! said Tora. That's good to know, If it was somewhere we could only reach at high tide, we'd have to rest up somewhere until the clouds rise said Rex.

That doesn't sound so bad to me, frankly, i'd welcome a well-earned rest at an inn while we wait for the tide to change. No offense, Rex, but your helmet isn't always the most comfortable abode! said Gramps.

Yes, can always have a stretch and a lie down next time we visit the inn at Torigoth said Rex. For now though, we go to shipyard of Umon! said Tora as we get ready to head for Umon shipyard.

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